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Environmental Days


Our third and final Environmental Day is taking place on Monday 27 November at the F2 Centre.

10.00am – 12.30pm

Aoife Munn will run a workshop on wreath making. Come along if you would like to make your own wreath out of sustainable and organic materials.

12.30 – 1.30pm (sustainable, vegetarian/vegan) lunch

1.30pm – 4.00pm

Stephen Rourke will talk to the group about the Environmental Pillar of the PPN, and how to get more involved in 2024. The group is already working on recommendations/or a draft policy on the PPN’s refreshments at events, and items are being suggested for a workplan in 2024.

Come along if you would like to meet other Environmental Member groups, if you would like to learn more about the PPN and if you would benefit from networking with other like-minded people.

Email Ruth on to reserve your spot.

Event Details
