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Funding and Grant Writing Tips with Evelyn Fitzpatrick


26/03/2025 19:00 – 21:00


Online on Zoom

Target Audience

This session is designed for those who are new to writing grant applications, or those who would like feedback on applications they are currently completing.


How do we make successful grant applications? This workshop provides an opportunity to identify the challenges, the most common mistakes applicants make and also what errors causes application disqualifications. Participants should come away with a better understanding of appropriate language & wording to help better make the case for their grant application.


Participants should leave with a better understanding of:

  • The challenges
  • Common mistakes in grant making
  • The Grantor’s point of view
  • The Grantee’s point of view
  • Be Prepared – having the basics to hand
  • Creating a team effort
  • Making the grant application process easier
  • Clear communication – Language and wording
  • Making your case
  • Tips on grants
  • Guidance on seeking grants and completing grant application forms


Delivered virtually via Zoom.

Evelyn Fitzpatrick

Evelyn Fitzpatrick is an Accountant, holds a post graduate Diploma in Economics and a Master’s in Management from DCU. In 2009, she set up her own Consultancy as a Financial Advisor and Trainer to the Charity sector. She was a member of a consultative group who made recommendations to Government on the implementation of the 2009 Charity legislation.

She was Director of Finance & Corporate Affairs of Focus Ireland for 9 years. During that time their Annual Report won the Chartered Accountants Published Accounts Award five times, which recognises excellence in Governance and transparency in financial reporting. Prior to that she was Country Finance Director and Company Secretary of Marks & Spencer Ireland for 10 years. She serves on the Finance and Governance Board committees of Mary Robinson Foundation for Climate Justice, Acquired Brain Injury Ltd, Cooperative Housing Ltd and North & East Housing Ltd. She is a past council member of Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Chair of their CPD Committee. She is the external advisory member of the Audit Finance and Risk Board Committee of Pobal.

Event Details

Venue: Online on Zoom
