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PPN Bulletin

Lee Dillon’s lovely sunrise photo from 11 Dec

Ruth and Rachel want to thank our wonderful Secretariat, Representatives and Member Groups for another great year in the PPN!

We thank you for sharing information around the network, for supporting our training events, and for coming to Council, Plenary, linkage and thematic group meetings.

We are very lucky in Dublin City PPN to have so many terrific people who are trying to make the city a better place to live, work, study, and visit.

Thank you for all that you do.

Ruth and Rachel will be offline from 22 December until 08 January 2024! 

Happy Christmas and a happy and safe New Year.


The Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD) would like to let you know that the 2022 PPN Annual Report is on the website here.  Please read and share with the other people in your groups and networks.

Dublin City Council (DCC) would like you to know that the deadline for the consultation period for the Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) has been extended to 15 January 2024.  If you can, please complete the survey here.

Alternatively, if you would like to work with our consultant facilitator, Clare O’Connor, on this piece of work, please contact Ruth before 22 December and/or after 08 January and she will put you in touch with Clare.  Clare is helping PPN Member Groups make submissions to this process.

Dublin City Council (DCC) is working on the development of a new Dublin City Council Communications Strategy to enhance their engagement and communication with residents, community groups and businesses.  There is an online public survey here for you to share your thoughts and opinions, that closes on 22 December.

Training: there is no specific PPN Training until 2024

Updates from Representatives and Secretariat

The Draft 2024 Workplan and Budget is here

This will be accepted by the next Secretariat meeting in January 2024, and will be implemented by all members of the PPN.

There are currently 5 open linkage or thematic groups/ or working groups that connect the Representatives to the wider PPN:  Disability Thematic Group/Migrant Thematic Group/Environmental Pillar linkage group/Housing Linkage Group/Planning and Urban Form linkage group –

You can watch the SPC meetings here.

In 2024, all Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs) will be dissolved and re-convened, which means that all seats will be vacant again.  If you are interested in finding out more about the Representative Roles, please contact Ruth and Rachel in early January, and we can meet you (online or in person), to discuss the vacancies, the PPN in general, and the challenges and opportunities of 2024.

Latest News

Herd of Fallow deer, Phoenix Park, Dublin 8, Dublin 15, and Dublin 20

PPN Bulletin

Information about the Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs) Dublin City Council have asked the PPN for observations and feedback on their Draft Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) Scheme 2024 – 2029 A …

Poolbeg Chimneys, Ringsend, Dublin 4

PPN Bulletin

Information The Dublin City Council Community Grant Scheme is open until 16 August 2024.  Further information about the grants and criteria for applying is here. You will need a PPN …

PPN Bulletin

Information The closing date for applying for the PPN Support Worker role is Wednesday 03 July.  Please do share with anyone you think would be suitable in joining a two-person …

Poolbeg Lighthouse, Dublin 4

PPN Bulletin

Congratulations to all the newly elected and re-elected Councillors of Dublin City Council.  The Dublin City Public Participation Network (PPN) looks forward to working with the new (and re-elected) Councillors …

Bank Holiday Bulletin

The PPN has been very busy lately! The PPN’s Migrant Thematic Group (MTG) had a stand at Africa Day, at the Royal Hospital Kilmainham, to promote the work of the …

PPN Bulletin

PPN Events PPN Plenary at the Gresham, 23 May here. PPN DCU Summer School 27 – 30 May here. Information Applications are now open for the Music Capital Scheme Award …

PPN Bulletin

Information PPN Member Group, All Together in Dignity (ATD) invite you to enjoy their most recent publication, “Creative Pathways to Participation”.  This is a collection of poetry, writing, and art …