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PPN Bulletin


The PPN Secretariat met on Tuesday night, for their monthly, online meeting and they agreed the minutes from the January meeting, which you can read here.  The Secretariat is made up of 9 people, from the three pillars:  voluntary and community, social inclusion and environment and their details are here.  The minutes from Tuesday’s meeting, will be posted once they are proposed and seconded at the March meeting.

Lee Dillon, a PPN Representative on the Local Community Development Committee (LCDC), would like to share an update from the LCDC Health and Wellbeing sub-committee and you can read this here.

Trevor Crowley, the PPN Representative on the Climate Action, Environment and Energy SPC, would like to share an update with the network, and you can read his update here.

Ruth Powell was on the Liveline morning programme, on NearFM with John Connell, on Wednesday 15 February, speaking about the PPN’s activities for 2023, and you can listen back here.

Connecting Artists invite you to their programme designed for visual artists with intellectual disabilities who wish to develop their creative practice.  The programme is designed to elevate the talent within this community, and prepare the programme participants for exhibiting their art and the development of the ambition to sell their work.  You can read more about this programme here.


Development Perspectives is offering Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Advocate Training for adult and community educators.  Are you a positive changemaker contributing to a more sustainable world?  Are you looking for an opportunity to develop your knowledge and skills in Global Citizenship Education?  Then find out more and apply here.

Once again, Aoife Munn is offering PPN Members a sustainable gardening course: “Sustainable Gardening – a interactive, hands-on gardening course that covers everything you need to know to get growing or improve your results.  From dealing with Peat free compost to root trims learn it all and lots of time for questions and answers too”. 

Men’s Development Network invite participants onto its Leadership Programme 2023, however the deadline for the application is 17 February at 5.00pm

You can find out more and apply from this page, here.

PPN Communications

You can see a full list of Dublin City PPN Representatives and Secretariat here

If you would like to watch the Representatives at their SPC meetings, you can watch them live, or from the archives here

The PPN’s 2023 workplan and budget is here.  Please contact Ruth and/or Rachel if you would like to get involved in any of these activities or have any suggestions for how we can improve this plan together.

Email Ruth on

Email Rachel on

Enjoy the PPN Member Spotlight Videos here

See the full list of PPN Member Groups here

Facebook and Twitter @dublincityppn

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