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2025 PPN draft workplan and budget in accessible format

The 2025 is presented to PPN member groups ahead of the November Plenary, where it is ratified. The Secretariat guide the implementation of the workplan, and staff administer the activities with assistance from all PPN stakeholders. Changes and adaptations, will be made through decisions at monthly Secretariat meetings, and weekly meetings between the Secretariat and the staff. The PPN host, local authority and DRCD are sent copies of quarterly reports on the workplan, and a final annual report (including financial reportings).

Dublin City Public Participation Network (PPN)

Dublin City Public Participation Network (PPN)

2025 draft workplan and budget

This 2025 draft workplan and budget for Dublin City PPN is informed by several documents: the Dublin City PPN’s own Five-Year Strategic Plan (2022), and previous annual workplans; the PPN Handbook (2020). and the PPN Implementation RoadMap (July 2024), which can be accessed on the PPN website here.

The 2025 draft workplan is ratified at the November Plenary and implemented by PPN staff, Secretariat, Representatives and other stakeholders.

Objective One:  Optimising the PPN Network.  Goals:  Through the continued development of Dublin PPN, facilitate the effective participation and representation of the members of DCPPN in policy and decision-making fora. Consolidate and strengthen the membership base of Dublin City PPN and continue the development of DCPPN as a networking and information hub for member organisations.  Optimise the effectiveness of training, networking, and information hub functions through the development of a targeted and concise Communications Strategy and Action Plan. 

Action 1.1:  An Equity/Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI) group to be established.

Responsibility:  Support Worker and Coordinator

Targets:  The Support Worker and Coordinator will continue to work with EDI academics from CER/DCU and Dr Ebun Joseph, to establish a PPN EDI group, which will feed in to three linkage groups established under the PPN Pillars of community and voluntary/social inclusion and environment.

Key Performance Indicators:  Establish an EDI group in early 2025.  Assist the group in at least three meetings during 2025.

Action:  The Disability Thematic Group (DTG) will continue to meet and organise events.

Responsibility:  No direct PPN staff involvement in this group.

Targets:  The DTG will continue to meet for monthly meetings, in order to share knowledge and experience about the sector.

KPIs:  Mick Keegan will act as the liaison between the DTG and Secretariat.

Action:  The Migrant Thematic Group (MTG) will continue to meet and organise events.

Responsibility:  The coordinator will continue to support this group.

Targets:  The MTG will continue to meet for quarterly meetings and will organise events to showcase work.

KPIs:  The MTG will organise events for Africa Day, Inclusion and Integration Week and will attend plenaries.  The MTG will be involved in the linkage group work and has several of its members as reserves for PPN SPC representatives.

Action:  Three linkage groups will be established to support the newly elected and re-elected PPN representatives.

Responsibility:  Coordinator, Support Worker and Secretariat.

Targets:  Members of the Secretariat will work with linkage groups, to support the Representatives in their work with SPCs.

KPIs:  Linkage groups will meet at least once a quarter, and the means of meetings will be dependant on the Representative in question.

Action 1.2:  Continue to improve the quality of the online communications via the website at 

Responsibility:  Neo-Archaic, Coordinator and Support Worker.

Targets:  Neo-Archaic and PPN staff to continue to manage and maintain the website in 2025.

KPIs:  Neo-Archaic will continue to manage the PPN website, upgrade when necessary and support the PPN staff with elections and specific operational requests.  Neo-Archaic will support the PPNs online presence ensuring that the website is updated often, and kept in line with guidelines from PPN documentation.

Responsibility: Coordinator

Targets:  The weekly PPN Bulletin will be posted in the news section of the website.

KPIs:  Neo-Archaic will continue to manage the PPN website, upgrade when necessary and support the PPN staff.

Responsibility: Neo-Archaic, Coordinator, Support Worker, PPN SPC representatives

Targets:  An area of the website to be developed to make communications between Representatives and the wider PPN easier and more streamlined.  A better “flow” of policy information from the SPC Representatives to the wider PPN to be captured on the PPN website.

KPIs:  Representatives will provide content for the PPN staff to share on the PPN website and/or on other channels as preferred by linkage/working groups.

Action 1.3:  The PPN is to review and update its current communications plan.  The Support Worker is to lead out on planning and implementing a more cohesive communication programme. 

Responsibility:  Support Worker and Coordinator

Targets:  Increase the quality of social media interaction with member groups and develop a calendar of content for staff to follow.  A PPN presence on LinkedIn to be established to support PPN representatives and further discussion of the PPNs presence on X to be continued.

KPIs:  Establish a Dublin City PPN presence on LinkedIn.  A quarterly newsletter to be sent to the Secretariat and Representatives, with specific PPN information and updates, which will be in addition to the weekly Bulletin for all member groups.

Action 1.4:  Manage the PPN database, Salesforce

Responsibility:  Support Worker

Targets:  Manage new members registrations, review and improve data in Salesforce, and welcome new members.

KPIs:  A re-registration of the database, Salesforce is required in 2025.  Ongoing improvements to the data in Salesforce.  In the 2024 annual report, DCC agreed to remove the requirement of a PPN registration number for grants applications, which should also alleviate the database.

Action 1.5  The PPN will continue to have a presence on local community media.

Responsibility:  The Coordinator, support worker, Secretariat and Representatives.

Targets:  Increase awareness of the PPNs through local community media.

KPIs:  Secure slots on local community media for PPN staff, Secretariat and Representatives, with a target of one slot per quarter.

Objective two:  organisational development and capacity building

Goal:  through the provision of targeted training programmes and networking opportunities, build the capacity of member organisations to improve their effectiveness, and to contribute to and participate in local democratic structures.

Develop strategic relationships with key actors in the not-for-profit sector across Dublin City to further the goals of the PPN and overall sector.

Action 2.1:  Training for new Representatives and Secretariat.

Responsibility:  Coordinator and Support Worker, with a consultant facilitator.

Targets:  New Representatives, Secretariat.

KPIs:  Ellenora Lynch will continue to support the new Representatives and Secretariat going forward in 2025, with at least two bespoke training days (online and in person).  New reps will be provided with Module one of training (including access to the handbook/presentations and workplan) and Module two will be a short training session with Ellenora on 28/29 November 2024, which will be followed up on in 2025.

Action:  an advisory committee to assist the current Representatives and Secretariat with their roles and functions on DCC committees. 

Responsibility:  Retired Secretariat and Representatives.

Targets:  An advisory committee to meet on request to aid the Secretariat and staff.  No formal decision making powers, but able to offer advice/recommendations.

KPIs:  The new advisory committee will convene for the first time in Q4 of 2024, and set out dates for meetings in 2025.

Action 2.2:  Training and resources for the wider PPN

Responsibility:  Coordinator and Support Worker.

Targets:  The PPN and Centre for Engaged Research (CER), at Dublin City University (DCU), will develop a PPN Summer School for 2025.

KPIs:  Summer School 2025 will take place in May or June 2025, and will include all four Dublin based PPNs.

Responsibility:  The PPN will sign post training opportunities and other supports from already established training organisations, such as the Dublin City Volunteer Centre.

KPIs:  The weekly Bulletin carries information about Dublin City Volunteer Centre in ca. 25% of its publications.

Responsibility:  Support Worker and Coordinator

Targets:  The PPN will survey PPN member groups for training needs in early 2025.  Member groups will be tracked during the year, which will lead to a report on the participation levels within the PPN.  Skills based online supports may be offered to PPN member groups (in partnership with DLR and Fingal PPNs) and further work on EDI and/or wellbeing may be considered if requested in the survey.

KPIs:  Q1 survey on training needs for member groups  Q2 training programme plan in conjunction with DLR and Fingal PPNs  Q3  and Q4 implementation of training programme. Q4 evaluation and recommendations of the survey and tracking data for member groups PPN training programmes going forward.

Objective three:  governance, administration and operating procedures

Goals:  to support and empower Dublin City PPN to deliver upon its vision of being an effective and inspirational community representative network, through the establishment of robust operating procedures and demonstration of sectoral best practice.

Action 3.1:  Fill any vacant seats in 2025.

Responsibility:  Coordinator, support worker, and Neo-Archaic.

Targets:  There are no planned vacancies in 2025.

KPIs:  While there are no planned vacancies in 2025, if Representatives step down from their role before their time expires, the staff and website team will administer the work to ensure new reps are nominated and elected.

Action 3.2:  Coordinate plenaries in May 2025 and November 2025

Responsibility:  Coordinator and Support Worker

Targets:  Hybrid plenaries will take place towards the end of May and November (depending on bank holidays).

KPIs:  PPN SPC representatives and Secretariat should use the Plenaries to update the wider PPN of core work of the PPN.  This can be done through linkage/working groups and/or pillars.

Action 3.3  Attend PPN regional meetings.

Responsibility:  Coordinator and Support Worker and Secretariat

Targets:  To meet colleagues in DLR and Fingal PPN for support, skills sharing and planning.

KPIs:  One meeting per quarter.

Action 3.4  The Secretariat of the PPN to meet to administer the work of the PPN

Responsibility:  Coordinator and Support Workere

Targets:  The Secretariat to meet monthly to discuss the ongoing work of the PPN, to govern, guide and discuss issues as they arise.

KPIs:  The Secretariat meet on the second Tuesday of the month, every month, except July and August.  The coordinator prepares documents, gives a coordinator’s update, organises the zoom (or books the venue) and sends reminder emails.  The Support Worker to present to the Secretariat the new members and to lead on communications.

Action 3.5  Documents required for the Department of Rural and Community Development.

Responsibility:  Coordinator and Secretariat.

Targets:  The 2024 Income and Expenditure report will be completed in March 2025.

KPIs:  A draft template to be completed in Feb/Mar 25

Targets:  The 2024 Annual Report to be completed in June 2025

KPIs:  A draft template to be completed in April/May 2025

Targets:  The 2026 workplan and budget to be shared with the Plenary in November 2025. 

KPIs:  In conjunction with the 2026 workplan, the PPNs 5 year strategic plan is to be reviewed and edited and a new plan is to be delivered.  Ideally, work to begin this will start in November 2025.  

Targets:  The PPN, host (DCVC) and DCC should formally meet to discuss work, activities and ongoing budget reviews in 2025.  At least every second quarter.

KPIs:  This triangulation happens informally, but it is the express wish of the PPN that it happens in a more structured manner, in 2025, with at least two meetings of all three groups in 2025.

Targets:  The PPN policies and procedures documents to be reviewed and updated before the May 2025 plenary.

KPIs:  A Secretariat sub-group to be convened in January 2025, to begin this work.  A closer look at the PPNs complaints’ procedure.

Targets:  The Implementation Roadmap (July 2024), document to be used as a guide to ensure policies and procedures are in line with good governance.  The PPN five year strategic plan is to be reviewed and work to begin on a new one for 2026 – 2031.

Action 3.6:  Dublin City PPN to relate to national network frameworks and structures.

Responsibility:  Coordinator, Support Worker and Secretariat.

Targets:  Staff to meet PPN staff regionally and nationally, while one member of the PPN Secretariat to belong to the National Secretariat network and feedback to the Dublin City PPN Secretariat.

KPIs:  PPN staff meet regional staff in meetings, national staff quarterly and through the Staff retreat and National Conference.  PPN staff to consider hosting the PPN staff retreat in April 2025.  One member of the PPN Secretariat to continue to attend the National Secretariat network.

Action 3.7:  Maximise virtual technology to support the PPN as requested by Dublin City Council.

Responsibility:  All PPN stakeholders

Targets:  PPN members are better able to use technology to conduct PPN business.

KPIs:  PPN continue to use:  telephone/email/whatsapp/teams/zoom/ and meets members in person. Most member groups prefer face-to-face meetings and staff aim to go on site visits every second week, to support member groups in their activities.

Action 3.7:  Assist Dublin City Council Staff as it organises events, consultations and information sessions.

Responsibility:  All PPN stakeholders

Targets:  PPN to assist DCC’s launch of the Local Economic Community Plan (LECP).  PPN to share information about DCC’s work in the weekly Bulletin and through social media.  PPN to attend Africa Day and to host events to celebrate Inclusion and Integration Week.  PPN to promote training sessions in libraries and other venues.

KPIs:  PPN member groups will attend the launch.  PPN member groups will share the information with its members and constituents.  PPN member groups to attend events and share the information with its groups.

Draft Budget

Staff training/recruitment2000
Office Supplies/Services200
New EDI Group2000
National Conference2500
Workers Retreat500
Regional Meetings500
Disability Thematic Group2000
Migrant Thematic Group2000
Advisory Committee500
Secretariat Meetings1000
New Member Welcomes1000
Support of Linkage Groups3000
Capacity Building Training 
Summer School1000
DLR Carmichael Supports3000
Training for new reps2000
Staff laptops/mobiles2000
Volunteer recognition3000  
Total programme costs42, 660