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Election News

The focus of the PPN is to assist groups to participate in local authority decision making.  To that end, Dublin City PPN has more than 20 seats on Dublin City Council committees, and there is now a vacant seat.

Dublin City PPN has one vacancy on the Housing Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) from the Social Inclusion Pillar/College.

Member groups are now being asked to nominate suitable candidates for these vacancies. 

Only registered PPN groups can nominate, and the candidates being nominated should have the relevant knowledge, experience and time commitment needed to fulfil the responsibilities of the roles.  Further details about both roles are at the bottom of this page.  Only member groups from the Social Inclusion Pillar can nominate and be nominated for this vacancy.

Nominations Process

Email info at info@dublincityppn dot com by Monday 08 May, with the following information:

  1. The nominator’s name, organisation, and the pillar this organisation comes from.
  2. The nominee’s name, organisation, and the pillar this organisation comes from.
  3. The Seconder’s name, organisation, and the pillar this organisation comes from.
  4. A short paragraph about the nominee’s suitability for the role, their experience, vison, and motivation for taking on this responsibility.  This paragraph will be shared on the website for other Member Groups to read.

If only one person per role is nominated, they will be deemed elected. 

If more than one person per role is elected, the PPN will hold online elections via Election Buddy after the nominations process is closed.

Further information about the vacant roles

Role of the Housing Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) Representative

Representing the PPN on the Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs) is an important task.  It is the task of the SPCs as a committee of the council, to advise and assist the council in its work.  The SPC system is intended to give councillors and sectoral interests an opportunity for full involvement in the policy making process from the early stages.  Therefore, if the SPC system operates satisfactorily, much of the preliminary and background work, discussion and recommendation should be completed at SPC level for final consideration, and ratification by the council.

In order to ensure that representation is informed and based on knowledge of the policy area and on commitment to the PPN, the following criteria for PPN will apply.

  • An awareness of general policy in the area the candidate will represent.
  • The ability of the candidate to effectively represent the views of the entire PPN linkage group.  The candidate is not representing their own organisation.
  • A knowledge of the relevant areas and plenary decisions and a commitment to policy development, where necessary.
  • A commitment to attending all meetings of the SPC.
  • Support to new representatives should the need arise.
  • A commitment to convene, attend and report back to the linkage group AND issue a report after each meeting, for wider circulation by the PPN resource worker.

A fundamental role of the elected PPN representative to the SPC will be to represent and to give feedback to the PPN on the outcomes of policy meetings, and on the issues being raised.

This will be achieved through the representatives’ interaction with their Linkage Group.  The ideal candidate will be involved in the linkage group meetings.

For further details on the nomination process, see page 44 – 47 of the PPN Handbook (2020).


In the event of more nominations than vacancies available, an election will be held.

PPN representatives are expected to gather and present the views and opinions of member organisations.

All PPN reps are required to sign the Representatives Charter and to adhere to PPN reporting mechanisms, constitution, policies.

PPN representatives’ expenses will be paid in accordance with the travel and expenses policy.

Dublin City PPN is non-political, non-sectarian and adheres to CVSP 8/2018 re: PPNs and Engagement in the Political Process.

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