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Midsummer Bulletin

Please enjoy this edition of the PPN Bulletin below, and please share it with the other people in your groups or organisations.

Please get in touch if you would like to get more involved in the work of the PPN.

This week the Climate Action, Environment and Energy SPC and the Housing SPC met and you can watch these meetings back on the Dublin City Public i.TV portal here.

Local Government Ireland invites you to mark #yourcouncilday on Friday 23 June.  If you would like to get involved, please use the hashtag, #yourcouncilday #DoLásaChomhairle alongside #publicparticipationnetworks, and feel free to use the resources added to this Dropbox:  here

Dublin City Council informs the PPN that there is a variation to the Dublin City Development Plan 2022 – 2028, with a consultation period from 25 June – 14 July.  You can find out more about the submission guidelines here.

Dublin City Council would like to inform PPN members that further consultation on the Duke Street/Anne Street South Public Realm Scheme (non-statutory consultation) will take place in Q3 of 2023.  Please email Ruth if you would like your details sent to DCC to be involved in this further consultation.  Details of the scheme are here.

Information from the wider network

All Together in Dignity (ATD) invite you to their Festival of Change on 26 July, from 1.00pm – 4.00pm at Mud Island Community Garden.  This festival brings together different community groups from across Ireland, to celebrate positive community action through art, music, conversation and festivities for all the family. 

North East Inner City (NEIC) invite you to their “Change for Life 2023” programme, which is a wide range of activities run at low cost all around the north east inner city over the next eight weeks.  You can register for classes here.

The National Disability Authority (NDA) invite you to save the date of 26 October, for their annual conference.  The theme of this year is #UNCRPD article 29:  guaranteeing the equal participation of disabled people in public and political life.  You can register for the conference here.

The Irish Wheelchair Association (IWA), have launched their pre-budget submission and are preparing to present it to government, calling them not to abandon people with disabilities in Budget 2024, and you can read this submission and further details here.

Social Justice Ireland (SJI) invite you to the launch of their Budget Choices policy briefing, on 03 July, at 11.00am, and you can sign up to this launch here.

The Marine Protected Area Advisory Group for the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage would like to invite you to an end of project webinar on a study called, “Ecological sensitivity analysis of the western Irish Sea to inform future designation of marine protected areas (MPAs), on 07 July, from 2.00pm – 3.30pm  You can register here.

The Sustainable Life School invite you to a “cuppa for climate and clothes swap” event on 28 June at 7.00pm in Drumcondra.  Further details about this event here.

Turn2Me invite PPN members to access their services online.  Turn2Me is a high quality, safe, anonymous and confidential space for people to gain support for their mental health, online.  You can create a free account here

Email Ruth on

Facebook and Twitter @dublincityppn

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