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Nominations are open for a seat on the Local Community Development Committee (LDCD) as a PPN representative for the Environment Pillar.

The main focus of the PPN is to assist groups to participate in local authority decision making.  To that end, Dublin City PPN has more than 20 seats on Dublin City Council committees and there is currently a vacant seat on the Local Community Development Committee (LCDC).

Only registered PPN groups can nominate, and the candidates being nominated should have the relevant knowledge, experience, and time available needed to fulfil the responsibilities of the role. 

Only members from the Environment pillars/colleges may nominate a representative at this time.

Nominations Process:

Email info at dublincityppn dot com by Friday 05 November, with the following information:

  1.  The nominator’s name, organisation, and pillar.
  2. The nominee’s name, organisation, and pillar.
  3. The Seconder’s name, organisation, and pillar.
  4. A short paragraph about the nominee’s suitability for the role, their experience, vision and motivation for taking on this responsibility.  This paragraph will be circulated to the electorate, should the process go to an election.

If only one person is nominated for this role, they will be deemed elected.

If more than one person is nominated for this role, we will hold elections via Election Buddy after the nominations process is closed.

Further information about the role

Role of the LCDC

The LCDCs were established in all local authority administrative areas ‘for the purposes of developing, coordinating and implementing a coherent and integrated approach to local and community development’.

Since July 2014, the LCDC has responsibility for strategic planning and oversight of local and community development interventions at City level. It is responsible, in conjunction with Dublin City Council, for developing a 6 year Local Economic and Community Plan for the City and pulling together on an area basis a range of local and community development spending from different programmes and structures.

Following a period of consultation in June 2015 a Dublin City Local Economic and Community Plan 2016 – 2021 was adapted with twelve high level goals. An action plan to achieve specific objectives under each of the high level goals will be developed on an annual basis.

In order to ensure that representation is informed and based on knowledge of the policy area and on commitment to the PPN, the following criteria for PPN representation will apply:

• An awareness of general policy in the Environment Sector

• The ability of the nominee to effectively represent the views of the entire PPN linkage group; to listen to different opinions and to summarise a variety of concerns.

• A knowledge of the relevant areas and plenary decisions and a commitment to policy development where necessary.  In particular, a cross cutting thematic interest in: planning, climate retro-fitting and renewable energy for housing, would be helpful for this committee.

• A commitment to attending all meetings of the LCDC and a commitment to convene, attend and report back to the linkage group with a report on each meeting for publication by the PPN.

• All LCDC members are required to maintain proper standards of integrity, conduct and concern for the public interest.  No more than one board member and/or employee of any single community or voluntary organisation, community development body or local development body will be validated for membership of the LCDC

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