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Nominations Open for PPN Representative on LCDC

One of the main roles of the PPN is to provide a nominating structure to elect community representatives onto decision making committees.  The PPN is tasked with electing external (Non-public sector) members to the Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) There is currently one vacancy available under the Community and Voluntary Pillar.

Groups registered within the Community & Voluntary pillar are now being requested to nominate suitable candidates.  Nominations must be made using this form LCDC Nomination Form October 2017  (to be submitted no later than 5pm on Monday 2nd October 2017), and candidates being nominated should have the relevant knowledge, experience, commitment and meet the qualifying criteria (listed below).

Role of the LCDC

The LCDCs were established in all local authority administrative areas ‘for the purposes of developing, coordinating and implementing a coherent and integrated approach to local and community development’. Since July 2014 the LCDC has responsibility for strategic planning and oversight of local and community development interventions at City level. It is responsible, in conjunction with Dublin City Council, for developing a 6 year Local Economic and Community Plan for the City and pulling together on an area basis a range of local and community development spending from different programmes and structures. Following a period of consultation in June 2015 a Dublin City Local Economic and Community Plan 2016 – 2021 was adapted with twelve high level goals. An action plan to achieve specific objectives under each of the high level goals will be developed on an annual basis. Further information on the LCDC is available on

Criteria for qualification to LCDC Representatives

A fundamental role of the elected PPN representative to the LCDC will be to represent and to give feedback to the PPN on the outcomes of the meetings, and the issues being raised.  This will be achieved through the representative’s interaction with their “Linkage Group”.  A linkage group is formed when members with a particular interest in the work of the LCDC come together to elect the PPN representatives to that committee.

In order to ensure that representation is informed and based on knowledge of the policy area and on commitment to the PPN, the following criteria for PPN representation will apply:

  • An awareness of general policy in the Community and Voluntary Sector
  • The ability of the nominee to effectively represent the views of the entire PPN linkage group. They are not representing their own organisation.
  • A knowledge of the relevant areas and plenary decisions and a commitment to policy
    development where necessary.
  • A commitment to attending all meetings of the LCDC
  • A commitment to convene, attend and report back to the LCDC linkage group
  • A commitment to issuing a report on each meeting for publication by the PPN Coordinator
  • All LCDC members are required to maintain proper standards of integrity, conduct and concern for the public interest.
  • No more than one board member and/or employee of any single community or voluntary organisation, community development body or local development body will be validated for membership of the LCDC

Nomination and Election Process

Completed nomination forms should be returned by 5pm on Monday 2nd October 2017, by e-mail to or by post to: Dublin City PPN, Block 3, Floor 1, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.

Once collated, and based on the nomination information submitted, a candidate information document will be circulated to all PPN groups, in advance of the election.

The election will be held at our Plenary on Tuesday 10th October from 6-8pm in the Wood Quay Venue, Dublin City Council.

If you have any queries please e-mail: or phone Nina Farrell at (01) 222 3851

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