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PPN Bulletin

In case you missed our announcement last week, we are delighted to welcome Ernie Beggs, Steven Doody and Catherine O’Toole to the Dublin City PPN Secretariat.  The Secretariat works on a voluntary basis and is elected, by the members of the PPN, to act as the administrative body of the PPN.  There are nine positions on the Secretariat, three from each category or pillar:  social inclusion, community and voluntary, and the environment.

We also have an open election currently running for the position of Planning and Urban Form representative.

All eligible organisations have been sent an email with the information about the three nominees who are running for this role.  Each eligible organisation has one vote.  Only the primary contact, from each eligible organisation, has been sent the email.  We are using election software called, Election Buddy, which was recommended to us by our colleagues in South Dublin County PPN, and this ensures the integrity of a secret ballot.  The election is open until Sunday night.

Good luck to all the nominees, and many thanks to those of you who have voted so far.

We would like to thank our reps for representing the PPN in recent SPC committee meetings.  You can watch the committee meetings live, or from the archive here.  The next relevant SPC meeting is on 27 April at 3.30pm and this is the Planning and Urban Form SPC.  Reps are expected to communicate with their linkage groups before and after the meetings, to ensure they are representing the wider PPN community fairly, and we are trying to improve this area of our work.

Please email info @ dublincityppn dot ie if you would like more information on the current linkage or thematic groups.  You will have a chance to see members of the Secretariat and your elected reps at our online plenary on 27 May. Please save the date.

Another excellent resource, which is interesting and informative, is the series of lunchtime discussions with the Lord Mayor, Hazel Chu.  Last week’s conversation was with John O’Hara, the City Planning Officer and Ali Grehan, City Architect with Dublin City Council.  The topic was City Planning and the Dublin City Development Plan, which as you know, was open to the first stage of public submissions earlier this year.  These “Chu and Chats with the Lord Mayor” take place every Friday at 1.00pm, and last Friday’s can be accessed here.

Your Climate Action, Environment and Energy SPC rep, Robert Moss, has asked us to include Dublin City Council’s Climate Action Team Official Newsletter, in this PPN Bulletin.  You can read the newsletter here.  The Environment linkage group are still communicating through Salesforce Chatter and a brief introduction on how to use Salesforce Chatter is on the Limerick PPN website here.

In addition to the one-to-one climate conversations some of you have signed up for, there are now public climate conversations being initiated through the department.  You are now being invited to be part of the Climate Conversation and to share your views on the government’s climate action and how it can support you to take climate action in your own life.  You find further details here.

Finally, there is a public consultation open on “Good Practice Principles for Community Benefit Funds under the Renewable Electricity Support Scheme” until 24 May.  You can find out more and make a submission here.

Please follow Dublin City PPN on Facebook or Twitter or please email info at Dublincityppn dot ie if you have any questions or comments.  You can also read back through the previous PPN Bulletins here.

Strength in using common structure.

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