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PPN Bulletin


PPN Secretariat Member, Stephen Doody, invites you to an event on Monday 19 February at 8.00pm in Clontarf GAA Clubhouse, called, “Be Part of the Fight Against Climate Change”.  This climate xchange meeting will hear from local people working on climate mitigation, including Deirdre Nichol, Mary Tubridy, Stephen Doody, Tom Marren, John Sharry, Angela Ruttledge and Colleen Savage.  Email for further details.

The Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform, invite submissions on:  Ireland’s National Dialogue on the Future of the European Union’s Cohesion Policy. Submissions opened on 22 January and will close on 18 February and you can read more here.

PPN Member Groups Alone and Threshold invite people to read their report, “Double Deficit:  Older and Ageing Persons in the Irish Private Rental Sector” which outlines the actions needed to ensure older renters can live with security and dignity in their homes.  You can read the report here.

The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) are running free drop-in sessions in local libraries where people can get advice on saving money by reducing energy bills or hearing how to get grants for energy upgrades.  The meeting for Dublin City is on 15 February, from 2.00pm – 5.00pm at Ballyfermot Library.

Age Friendly newsletters can be found here.

Dublin Northwest Partnership invite you to their Community Grant Training Session on application form completion on 07 February from 6.00pm – 8.00pm at Rosehill House, Old Finglas Road, Dublin 11.  You can sign up here.  A second session will be held on Thursday 08 Febraury from 11 – 1.00pm at the Axis Centre and you can sign up for that session here.

The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage established an expert advisory group on marine protected areas (MPAs), which would like to share its ecological sensitivity analysis of the western Irish Sea here.  If you have any general questions on the work of this group, please send them to the group’s Secretariat address:  before 1 Feb 2024.

Save the date (s)

20 February, 2024 is Global Justice Day.  Social Justice Ireland invite PPN members to a session which follows the title:  “Measuring Progress:  Economy, Society and Environment in Ireland 2024 comparing Ireland’s progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals and comparing that progress with the EU-14 peers”.  Registration details to follow.

12 March, 2024 – NESC will be hosting a half-day, in-person event in the Convention Centre, about the application of natural capital accounting in Irish policy and practice, in light of the publication called, “Natural Capital Accounting;  A guide for action” and you can read the report here and registration details to follow.


If you would like Ruth or Rachel to come and speak to you and your group about the PPNs, please email us and we can arrange a date/time/place online or in person, which best suits your needs.  We can make formal presentations or just meet up for a coffee and chat – whatever you prefer.

You can find out more about any PPN training events here

Vision Ireland (previously the NCBI), invite people who are blind or visually impaired to register their interest for FREE technology training here.

Dublin City University (DCU), invite you to sign up for or share their Age-Friendly learning programme for spring 2024.  You can read up on the courses here.

Updates from Representatives and Secretariat

The Migrant Thematic Group (MTG) will have its first meeting of the year, on Tuesday 06 February at 2.00pm in the Irish Film Centre café.  Please email Ruth on if you would like to come along and meet the group and hear from Amina Haj Ameur, from Glencree Centre for Peace and Reconciliation.  This is an informal chat and meet up over coffee and tea.

The Disability Thematic Group (DTG) continue to meet online on the second Monday of every month, and if you would like further information about that, please email Rachel on This group is planning a very interesting and lovely event for the Mansion House later in the year.  Watch this space for updates.

In 2024, all Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs) will be dissolved and re-convened, which means that all seats will become vacant.  If you are interested in finding out more about the Representative Roles, please contact Ruth and Rachel in January and February to discuss the vacancies, the PPN in general, and the challenges and opportunities of 2024.

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