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PPN Bulletin

Many congratulations to Anna Devlin, who is the newly elected PPN representative on the Planning and Urban Form committee.  This committee met on Tuesday afternoon at 3.30pm, so Anna jumped straight into her new role and responsibilities.  Anna is a historian with a particular interest in Dublin and its development.  She is a member of the South Georgian Core Residents Association and has acted as Planning Officer for this group for a number of years.  She has also worked as a film and television producer, in the area of business strategy.  We welcome Anna to Dublin City PPN.

The committee meetings with Dublin City Council and our elected reps are available by webcast live, or through the archive here.

The next relevant meetings will be taking place on Wednesday 12 May, and this is the Housing Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) meeting and your reps for this committee are: Liam Kelly, Áine Wellard and Mike Allen.  The Arts, Culture, Leisure and Recreation SPC meeting is on Monday 17 May and your reps for this committee are Ciarán Taylor and Adekunle Gomez. 

Please email info at dublincityppn dot ie if you would like more information on the current linkage or thematic groups.  You will have a chance to see members of the Secretariat and your elected reps at our online plenary on 27 May. Please save the date.

One of the newly elected members of the Secretariat, Steven Doody, is asking schools and Tidy Towns to say no to Herbicides and Go Herbicide Free, in a recent campaign.  You can email or for further details.  You can also hear Steven speak with John Healy on the Northside Today programme on NearFM on Wednesday morning at 11.05am

Your elected environmental rep, Robert Moss, has asked us to share details of funding opportunities that were shared on Kildare PPNs website recently, and you can find information for local, national and international funding opportunities here.

Michelle Murphy, who is one of your elected reps on the LCDC, reminds us that Social Justice Ireland invite you to an event on 12 May to hear their proposals for delivering a basic income.  Details about the zoom registration are here.

Other news from the wider PPN

Generation Tech provides FREE, over the phone help, to people over 65, who may be having IT or technical issues.  You can find out more about this volunteer led service here.

Age Friendly Ireland have their newsletter here.

There are some wonderful events planned for this year’s Bealtaine Festival 2021 including book clubs, music, online exhibitions and an origami mandala workshop just to start!  Further details of the events and registrations are here.

The National Economic and Social Council (NESC) has been requested by the Department of the Taoiseach to support work towards developing a well-being framework for Ireland. The government has committed to develop a framework that will look beyond economic indicators to give us a more holistic picture of where we are and where we want to be as a society. If you would like to participate in this work, please complete the survey here.  Dublin City PPN will be asking members to develop a vision for wellness statement, later in 2021, so participation on this survey could be helpful for work later this year.

If you are interested in signing a petition against fracking in Ireland, the Global Ban on Fracking Group are asking people to sign a petition against it.  You can find out more about the group and the petition here.

If you would like to volunteer, or you would like to find volunteers for your organisation, you can contact Dublin City Volunteer Centre for information, support, resources and training and you can find out more about DCVC here.

Please follow Dublin City PPN on Facebook or Twitter or email info at dublincityppn dot ie if you have any questions or comments. 

You can also read back through the previous PPN Bulletins here.

Strength in using common structure.

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