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PPN Bulletin


Dublin City PPN Migrant Thematic Group will host a stand at the Africa Day celebrations this year, on Sunday 19 May at The Royal Hospital Kilmainham.  Volunteers from the MTG will be available to talk about their own member groups, the activities of the MTG and the PPN, and migrant issues in general. If you would like to get involved in this day, please email Ruth.

The next PPN Plenary will be held on Thursday 23 May at the Gresham on O’Connell Street.  Registration, and programme details to follow shortly.  Please save the date.

The local authorities of the Dublin Agglomeration (DCC/DLR/Fingal/SDC/Wicklow and Kildare), are preparing a Noise Action Plan, to cover the whole of the Dublin agglomeration.  The Noise Action Plan has been informed by, and is based on, the Strategic Noise Maps, which were prepared for the agglomeration of Dublin in 2022, and which cover transport…and industry related environmental noise sources.  You read more about this consultation and make an online submission here.

The Dublin Learning City Festival 2024, is taking place this week and there is still time to sign up to events taking place today, 17 April.  You can read the programme here. (There are also a few events taking place Thursday and Friday).

PPN Member Group Alone would like to share their annual report with the network.  You can read and distribute the report here.

The Land Development Agency and Dublin City Council are pleased to launch consultation on the draft plans for the Bluebell Waterways Project.  This project aims to develop affordable homes, community and recreational amenities beside Lock 5 on  the Grand Canal:  full details here.  There is a public consultation drop in on Thursday 18 April, from 4.00pm – 8.00pm at Our Lady of Wayside NS Hall.


Social Justice Ireland have an online, self-guided course on the Public Participation Networks.  This online support covers the following topics:  an introduction to PPNs, effective facilitation, effective participation in consultancies, local government budgets, measuring outcomes and impacts, PPNs and local government and strategic planning.  You can register for this support here.

The Wheel provide online supports to the Public Participation Networks and topics include:  PPN Hosting Arrangements, Basics of Employment and HR Practice, Successful Communication for Community Groups and Voluntary Boards, Leading Communities:  the Role of Board or Committee Members, Social Media, Procurement, Strategic Planning.  You can download these resources here

The next Dublin City PPN, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown PPN and Carmichael online training supports for PPN member groups is:

Wednesday 24 April from 10.30 – 11.30am

Breaking the Cycle – role rotation

Further details of the two sessions and registration for the zoom link here.

Updates from Representatives and Secretariat

All Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) meetings can be accessed here

It is easy to find minutes, reports, presentations, and other documents for each meeting, under the areas of housing, traffic and transport, planning and urban form, culture, finance, economic development and climate action.  All these seats will be vacant later in 2024.

Information about the Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) meetings can be accessed here.  Two of the five seats will be vacant later in 2024.

Please contact Ruth and/or Rachel if you would like more information about the role of PPN representatives on the new SPCs to be formed, after the local elections on 07 June 2024.  Ruth and Rachel are available for one-to-one chats/coffees/zooms or visits to your group, to talk more about the up-and-coming vacancies.

Latest News

PPN Bulletin

PPN Bulletin Information The Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD), would like to share the Irish version of their 2023 Annual Report with PPN member groups here.  DRCD would …

PPN Bulletin

Information The closing date for the PPN’s training needs survey is Friday 14 February. Dublin City PPN invite all member groups to complete the training needs survey below.  The PPN …

PPN Bulletin

Information Dublin City PPN invite all member groups to complete the training needs survey below.  The PPN provides capacity building training to member groups, so that they might participate more …

PPN Bulletin

Information The Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD) would like to share the Public Participation Networks (PPN) annual report for 2023.  You can read through the report here.  Please …

PPN Bulletin

Information Staff from Dublin City Public Participation Network (PPN), were delighted to donate blood, yesterday, at one of the clinics of the Irish Blood Transfusion Service (IBTS).  If you can …

PPN Bulletin

Information Dublin City Council (DCC) are pleased to announce “Brigit:  Dublin City Celebrating Women” from 31 January – 03 February 2025.  There are more than 80 events taking place across …

Ha-PPN-y Christmas Bulletin

We would like to wish all our PPN member groups a very happy, safe and healthy Christmas holiday and new year. Once again, we thank everyone in the network for …