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PPN Bulletin

Information about the Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs)

Dublin City Council have asked for comments and feedback on the Draft Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) Scheme 2024 – 2029

PPN member groups can give feedback in one of two ways: either individually as member groups on the council website page here: 

And/or you can make a joint PPN submission

To do this please send your comments and observations to Ruth by Thursday 31 July, and these will be collated and sent to the council as a joint PPN submission.

Ruth’s email is: 

The PPN has three objectives:  to share information within the network, to offer capacity building training within the network and to offer support to Representatives who sit on SPCs. 

Nomination forms for the new SPCs will be available online from 02 September.

The SPCs are intended to be strategic in nature while the operational matters are mainly dealt with at Area Committees. The City Council is, and remains, the decision-making authority and the final decision on strategic issues rests with the full Council.

Watch this space for updates on the nominations’ process.

PPN Autumn Series of Training

The PPN autumn series of training courses and Plenary details can be found on the Events Section of the website.  However, as Ruth will be on annual leave until Tuesday 27 August, you cannot book a place on these sessions again until Tuesday 27 August. 

Thank you for your patience.

General Information

Minister McEntee and the Department of Justice, invite expressions of interest for Chairpersons of new Local Community Safety Partnerships (LCSPs), across the country.  The LCSPs, will bring together a range of service providers and the community to examine and deliver actions that will improve community safety in their localities.  You can read more here.

Dublin City Council’s Climate Newsletter Quarter 3, 2024, can be read online or downloaded here.

Dublin City Council invite PPN members to make comments and give feedback on their Digital Transformation Strategy here.

The Corn Network invite you to read their newsletter and sign up for future newsletters here.

TUSLA invite PPN member groups to share information about fostering within their groups and networks.  You can read updates on the next online and in-person information events about fostering, which will provide a unique opportunity to find out more about fostering from the teams and experienced foster carers here.

The HSE National Cancer Control Programme are working collaboratively with Dublin North City and County (DNCC) Health and Wellbeing Division and the HSE National Programmes and Campaigns to deliver a regional lung cancer public awareness campaign across North Dublin.  Please share this link here with your groups and networks, and use the hashtag #knowthesigns to follow the campaign on social media.

The Irish Hospice Foundation invite you to a Compassionate Communities in Palliative and End of Life Care Conference, on Monday 09 September at Canal Court Hotel, Newry.  Further details here.

And finally…

Leitrim Development Company (which hosts our friends Leitrim PPN) invite you to Ireland’s first National Trail Conference, where you can experience a collaborative adventure with Leitrim’s largest outdoor recreational event, The Carrick Camino.  Find out full details here.

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