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PPN Bulletin


Six Dublin City PPN members and staff attended the PPN National Conference in Limerick last week, alongside hundreds of other delegates from the 31 PPNs across the country.  You can read a summary of the conference here, which includes the information from MoS Joe O’Brien that all PPNs will receive an increase to budget for 2025.  Dublin City PPN is currently drafting a workplan for 2025, which will be ratified at the Plenary on Thursday 21 November, from 6.30pm – 8.30pm (please save the date), and the increase in budget, will be reflected in the costed draft workplan.

Dublin City Council (DCC), invite member groups of Dublin City PPN to submit their views on its new Corporate Plan 2025 – 2029, to help form a vision and set ambitious goals for the city and communities.  The consultation is open until Wednesday 30 October.  This is the first public survey to be hosted on DCC’s new consultation platform, which aims to encourage and increase public engagement, and you can make a submission for your member group here.

Dublin City Council (DCC), alsoinvite PPN members to share the information about Dublin City Comhairle na nOg Youth Conference which closes its registration on 24 October.  Please go here to find out more about the conference and please share with your member groups.

The Dublin City PPN host, Dublin City Volunteer Centre (DCVC), offer organisations that involve volunteers, a great deal of support and resources.  Whether you are a small volunteer led organisation or a large multinational charity, DCVC can offer guidance and support on developing a volunteer programme that meets the needs of your service users and volunteer alike.  DCVC can offer you support in planning and recruiting volunteers/day-to-day volunteer management/dealing with challenging situations/ and safeguarding.  You can find our more here.

Dublin Northwest Partnership in conjunction with Age and Opportunity are delighted to offer information sessions, called “Changing Gears” to be held every Wednesday morning for 5 weeks, beginning on Wednesday 06 November until 04 December.  Please only sign up if you can attend all 5 sessions.  You can register here.

University City Dublin (UCD) invite PPN members to complete a survey, called “Introduction to Just Transition survey”, which can be done here.  If you don’t have time to complete the survey, please share it with someone else from your group or network.  Please feel free to share the whole PPN Bulletin, but if that’s not possible, then please share this survey.

The National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) invite you to a workshop called, “Financial Literacy and financial inclusion” which will take place online on Friday 25 October from 10.00am – 11.00am  You can find out more about this FREE webinar, and the rest of the series (including sessions on literacy and social justice, literacy champions, and the “one book, one film for all” sessions, here.

PPN Training and Events

The PPN Plenary will take place on Thursday 21 November, from 6.30pm – 8.30pm (venue to be confirmed).  Further details and registration to come, but please do save the date.

Updates from the Secretariat and Representatives

The core work of the PPN is to assist PPN member groups to participate in local authority decision making.  To that end, the PPN has 21 PPN representatives across 7 Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs), Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) and Joint Policing Committee (JPC).  You can read more about the committees that align with your work, here.

Please follow the “In Dublin” section of the PPN website, where you can…explore districts in Dublin City, read Dublin Stories, access Community Supports and a Community Supports Map, enjoy the Members Spotlight videos, the members facilities and members facilities map.

You can access a full list of the PPN Secretariat, Representatives and linkage/thematic groups here (work in progress).

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PPN Bulletin

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