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PPN Bulletin


Dublin City PPN invite all member groups to complete the training needs survey below.  The PPN provides capacity building training to member groups, so that they might participate more in local authority decision making. 

Please complete the survey, so that we can curate the most useful and fun series of training sessions for 2025.  You can access the survey here.

The survey only takes a few minutes…but we would be so very grateful if you could help us, provide you, with an excellent programme of training this year.

Dublin City Council (DCC) invite PPN member groups to apply for the Crowdfund Dublin City Fund by Wednesday 30 April 2025.  There are two information events, for you to find out more about the programme online on Tuesday 25 February, and in person on Thursday 27 February.  You can find out more about how your member group can apply for the Crowdfund Dublin City Fund here.

(Please do attend one of the information events before you make an application).

Volunteer Ireland invite all volunteer involving organisations (VIOs), to please be aware of the new Volunteer Charter.  This Volunteer Charter comes in two segments: one for organisations, and one for volunteers.  It can be used to clarify expectations, create clear relationship foundations and generate an increased quality in the volunteering experience. If you would like to find out more about the Volunteer Charter, go here or attend one of Volunteer Ireland’s Discovery Sessions here.

Dublin City Council (DCC) are pleased to announce the dates for this year’s Dublin Learning City Festival 2025 are Monday 07 April – Wednesday 09 April 2025.  The theme for this year’s festival is Create, Connect, Change, and if you are interested in taking part, please email the organisers at:    Or you can register your event directly here.

The Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA), invite PPN member groups to apply for their Earth Rising Festival 2025.  Earth Rising is IMMA’s flagship festival focused on the earth crisis.  This annual festival is dedicated to sparking climate conversations and inspiring action through art and culture and you can find out more about the open call for proposals here.

The Irish Environmental Network (IEN) invite you to read their monthly newsletter, “Connecting Nationwide”, here.  The newsletter includes updates about events, links to resources and information about frogs.

Once again, the Irish Blood Transfusion Service (IBTS) ask PPN member groups to please share the urgent appeal for blood donations in the Dublin City area.  You can find out about eligibility and your nearest blood donation clinic here.  Please share details about this appeal with the people in your groups and organisations.

Schools of Sanctuary invite you to an award ceremony for Champion Schools of Sanctuary on 11 February, from 12.00pm – 1.30pm at the Conservatoire Concert Hall, Grangegorman Campus, TU Dublin, D07 XFF2.  Please RSVP to

Training for PPN member groups

Save the date:  there will be another “Support for PPN Representatives” meeting on Friday 21 February.  The day will follow much the same format as the November meeting:  an update and a catch-up meeting with Ellenora Lynch, lunch and a site visit.  We hope to finalise the Pillar Working Groups formatting in this meeting.  Venue to be confirmed, but please save the date if you are a PPN representative.

Partners Training for Transformation invite PPN member groups to attend their Creative Facilitation course (online and in-person in May and June 2025.  This is a specially designed course for facilitation and people in facilitative roles who work with groups in person and online.  You can find out more about this course here.

Updates from PPN Representatives and Secretariat

The best way to learn about the PPN, is to access one of the Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) meetings online.

You can access meetings live or watch back from the archive here.

Recent webcasts include the Finance SPC on 16 January and the Housing and Social Inclusion SPC on 27 January.

Coming soon are the Mobility and Public Realm SPC on 12 February, the Economic Development and Enterprise SPC on 18 February and the Community, Gaeilge, Sport, Arts and Culture SPC on 24 February.

You can subscribe to the meetings and be notified by email about upcoming webcasts that matter to you here.

The PPN has representatives on all these committees, and you can contact your representatives directly, if you would like to know more about the matters being discussed in these committees.  However, it’s the plan of the PPN for 2025, to have three pillar working groups, for all reps to communicate better with the wider PPN – more information to come…

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Information The closing date for the PPN’s training needs survey is Friday 14 February. Dublin City PPN invite all member groups to complete the training needs survey below.  The PPN …

PPN Bulletin

Information Dublin City PPN invite all member groups to complete the training needs survey below.  The PPN provides capacity building training to member groups, so that they might participate more …

PPN Bulletin

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PPN Bulletin

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PPN Bulletin

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