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PPN Bulletin

Plenary 27 May – please register by Tuesday 25 May.

If you would like to come to the Dublin City PPN plenary on Thursday 27 May, from 7.00pm – 9.00pm please register by Tuesday 25 May. 

The event is taking place on Zoom. Please email us if you would like to register.

We look forward to meeting with you on 27 May.  This is an opportunity to reconnect with people from other organisations and from other pillars/colleges/sections of the PPN.  People will be invited to think about how to engage, share and assist one another more in 2021, and we also have some wonderful music and spoken word at the beginning and end of the evening.  We hope that the evening will be interesting, enjoyable, and inspiring.

Job Vacancy:  PPN Support Officer role.

We would like to advertise the role of Support Officer within the PPN, and the details of this role are here. Please share this information with your groups and networks and we hope to have this position filled as soon as possible.  The Support Officer will work closely with the Resource Officer to provide administrational support to the PPN.

PPN updates

10 members of the PPN went for tea at the Mansion House on Wednesday, to celebrate National Volunteer Week with Lord Mayor, Hazel Chu.  Present were members of the Secretariat, a JPC rep, an LCDC rep, an Arts, Culture, Leisure, Recreation SPC rep, and colleagues from the member organisations.  This was a very enjoyable way to celebrate National Volunteer Week, and for relationship building with the Lord Mayor’s office.

You can watch the PPN representatives in their Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) meetings on the Dublin City Council webcasts here

The upcoming SPC meetings are on the webcasts here

The Traffic and Transport reps, Gary Kearney and Martin Hoey, would like to remind PPN members that the agenda for their next SPC meeting can be read here.  If you would like to contact Martin or Gary before the meeting, you can do so through the email: dcppn transport spc at gmail dot com or their Facebook page @dublincityppntransport

The PPN Secretariat met on Wednesday night for their monthly meeting to discuss agenda items, and officially welcomed the three new members of the Secretariat:  Steven Doody, Catherine O’Toole and Ernie Beggs – once again, welcome to the Secretariat of Dublin City PPN.

News from the wider PPN

If you missed all the events for National Volunteer Week, this week, you can look back over the variety of different activities through the hashtags #NVW2021 and #smallactionsbigimpact on social media, for summaries.  There were some terrific pieces of information about working with volunteers, applying for funding, organising fundraising events and running campaigns.

A wonderful new Twitter account has been launched called Public Consultation Tracker @TrackerPublic which aims to promote public participation in policy-making and provide public consultation alerts.  The alerts can also be accessed on the website here but signing up to the Twitter account is a huge time saver. 

Our members at NCBI are advertising roles in their National Advocate Programme and their Local Advocacy Network with information about the different ways to get involved.  You can find out more information about this here.

The Wheel’s Charity Summit took place on 19/20 May and resources from the events are available here.

Glencree Centre for Peace and Reconciliation, in association with Dublin City Council, invite you to a celebration of Africa Day online on Tuesday 25 May.  The FREE event is on Zoom and you can register for it here.

Citizens’ Think In:  Who should I trust with my data?  Join researchers from the PROJECT European Training Network and the ADAPT centre, for a public discussion on data ethics and privacy on Wednesday 09 June, 4.00pm – register for this FREE online event here.

New Public Sculpture for Kildonan Park.  Artist, Sara Cunningham-Bell has been commissioned to create a new sculpture for Kildonan Park.  If you live in Finglas and would like to contribute to the public consultation about the new piece of sculpture, then please attend a discussion on 25 May from 15.00 – 16.30 here or attend a public meeting on 27 May from 2.30pm – 4.00pm here.

If you would like to volunteer, or you would like to find volunteers for your organisation, you can contact Dublin City Volunteer Centre for information, support, resources and training and you can find out more about DCVC here.

Please follow Dublin City PPN on Facebook or Twitter or please reply to this email if you have any questions or comments. 

You can read previous PPN Bulletins here.

Strength in using common structure.

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