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PPN Bulletin

The Secretariat would like to thank everyone who came to the Plenary last night. They would like to thank Sandra Dillon, and everyone from Meeting Place Club, for the wonderful film they made to open the event.  They would like to thank Adekunle Gomez, for the wonderful poem, and the way he closed the Plenary last night.  They would like to thank Connect the Dots, for helping organise the event, and for the group facilitation in the breakout rooms.  Finally, the Secretariat would like to thank all the people who came last night, and who continue to give their time, experience, knowledge, and enthusiasm to the work of the PPN.

If you would like Ruth to send you the Power Point presentation of the PPN Workplan and Budget for 2021, please get in touch, and she will send it onto you.

We look forward to the next Plenary in either October or November.

Job Vacancy:  PPN Support Officer role.

We would like to advertise the role of Support Officer within the PPN, and the details of this role are here. Please share this information with your groups and networks and we hope to have this position filled as soon as possible.  The Support Officer will work closely with the Resource Officer to provide administrational support to the PPN, and this application is open until Monday.

PPN Updates

Kelley Bermingham was speaking to John Healy on Northside Today on NearFM on Wednesday.  Kelley spoke about her role as a PPN representative on the LCDC, her work with the Iveagh Trust and St Patrick’s Cathedral, and CRiTiCALL.  You can listen back to the podcast here.

We plan to create four podcasts this year, and Kelley would like to help us do that.  If you would like to help the PPN create and make four podcasts, please email us and we can begin to plan for this.

You can watch the PPN presentatives in their Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) meetings on the Dublin City Council webcasts here The upcoming SPC meetings are on the webcasts here

News from the wider PPN

Kevin Delaney from Academy Street Workshop has been in touch to offer members of the PPN a Fundraising Programme called Bigger, Bolder Fundraising.  This training programme is aimed at smaller non-profit organisations that have limited resources.  You can find out more about the programme here.  Kevin has offered us a discount if ten groups sign up together.  So if you are interested in learning all about Fundraising, and would like to do it with other members of the PPN, please email us and we can find out who is interested and if we have enough groups to go back to Kevin to see what he can offer us.

Dublin Homeless Awareness have been in touch to ask for help.  At the moment, they are struggling to find a storage base for their equipment, and they are looking for space in Dublin 1 or 2.  If you have a small piece of land where they can erect a portacabin, please reply to this email, and we will put you in touch.

You can read and sign up for Newsletters from Age Friendly Ireland here and from Tidy Towns here

If you would like to volunteer, or you would like to find volunteers for your organisation, you can contact Dublin City Volunteer Centre for information, support, resources and training and you can find out more about DCVC here.

Please follow Dublin City PPN on Facebook or Twitter or please reply to this email if you have any questions or comments. 

You can read previous PPN Bulletins here.

Strength in using common structure.

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