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PPN Bulletin

You can listen to Brad Wilmot, from Serve the City, speaking with John Healy on the Northside Today programme on Near FM here.  You can also listen back to Ernie Begg’s interview from the previous week here.  Ernie Beggs is the chairperson of the Finglas Maypole Festival and has recently been elected onto the Secretariat.  Ernie will be taking the lead on developing a Five Year Strategic Plan for Dublin City PPN.  If you would like to be involved in a small Strategic Plan steering group, please get in touch.

The Disability Thematic Group will meet for its monthly meeting on Monday night.  Antonia King, from Dublin City Council, is coming along to make a presentation to the group, and answer questions. 

The Secretariat will meet on Wednesday night for its monthly meeting.

The Department of Rural and Community Development are conducting a review of the PPN structure and would like your feedback.  Please complete the survey here

You can watch the PPN representatives in their Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) meetings on the Dublin City Council webcasts here The upcoming SPC meetings are on the portal here

News from the wider PPN

Age Friendly Ireland and the Dublin City Healthy Age Friendly Homes Coordinator, Eimear McCormack, would like to invite you to participate in a virtual stakeholder engagement session on Tuesday 15 June, 9.30am – 11.00am  You can register for this meeting here.

Sligo PPN would like to share their online resources for the Tidy Towns Support Programme, they delivered in April and May. Sligo PPN are sharing their slides, recordings of presentations, notes and other resources here.  Thank you Sligo PPN!

Neighbourhood Network is excited to be launching their 2021 Community Activity Challenge in specific communities across Dublin, Wicklow and Kildare. Get to know your neighbours, have some fun, and give your community a boost by planning summer activities with the other residents on your street or local area. The idea is simple and inclusive – anyone can take part!  Find out more here.

The Anti-Racism Committee’s Public Consultation is open until 14 July.  You can find out more about the committee’s consultation process here.  You can make a submission as an individual, as a representative from your organisation, or as part of your work with the PPN.  If you are submitting as a member of the PPN, please communicate with your linkage groups and/or reps.  If you would like to make a submission as an entire PPN, please get in touch, and we can try and do this.

You can read the latest report by the National Economic and Social Council (NESC), called *Digital Inclusion in Ireland:  Connectivity, Devices and Skills* here.

This summer Recycle IT want to encourage householders, families, and friends to act and recycle any old, unwanted, or unused electrical items from around the house.  For example, kettles, cookers, TVs, washing machines, games consoles, batteries, phones, computers etc.  To support with recycling, Recycle IT offer resident associations FREE COLLECTIONS in many areas of Dublin – and can collect items from Monday to Friday each week once a Residents’ Association has booked in advance – find out more here.

If you would like to volunteer, or would like to find volunteers for your organisation, you can contact Dublin City Volunteer Centre for information, support, resources, and training, and you can find out more about DCVC here.

Please follow Dublin City PPN on Facebook or Twitter or please reply to this email if you have any questions, comments or suggestions.  You can read previous PPN Bulletins here

Strength in using common structure.

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