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PPN Bulletin

Training:  PPN /Academy Street Workshop Festival of Fundraising 2022

Monday 26 September – Thursday 26 September

10.30am – 12.30pm One-to-one *Fundraising Clinics* every morning, with Kevin Delaney.  Book your FREE session here.

Monday 26 Sept 7.00pm – 8.30pm ZOOM

Introduction to fundraising session on the basics of fundraising:  register here

Tuesday 27 Sept 7.00pm – 8.30pm IN PERSON

How to write good grant applications, with Angela Shafer from Northside Partnership at the Macro Community Resource Centre:  book here

Wednesday 28 Sept 7.00pm – 8.30pm IN PERSON

A session looking at the specific challenges of fundraising for migrant and ethnic minority groups and organisations.  Kevin will give tips and advice, and Joy Eniola will share her experiences of working with integration and inclusion in DCC.  Book here.

Thursday 29 September 7.00pm – 8.30pm ZOOM

Kevin will facilitate a panel discussion with four key speakers:  Frances Hayden from Dublin City Volunteer Centre, Carrie Benn of SPIRASI, Sinead Christian of the Irish Wheelchair Association and Helen McVeigh of the Irish Hospice Foundation.  Please book this final zoom here.

We are not recording any of the sessions, but please come along to one of them, if you can.


Ruth made a short presentation to the Local Community Development Committee, (LCDC), on 21 September with regards to the Mazars’ report to the DRCD about the restructuring of the PPNs.  You can read about these recommendations here.

Beatriz is sadly leaving her role with the PPN:  we wish her every happiness with her new adventures, and we are also now recruiting for a new Support Worker.  Please share this job advertisement with anyone you think may be interested in working with the PPN.

We also have a live tender on Activelink for a consultant to develop a “how to” Training Manual, and deliver training to the PPN Representatives and Secretariat and you can read the details here

CoisCeim Dance Theatre invite you to their new space, at 42 Fairview Strand, for Culture Night.  They will present the Dublin premier screening of Francis Footwork, in 3D, from 6.00pm – 7.30pm and you can email Sarah, at

Tog Hakerspace invite you to a Repair Café Sunday 02 October, from 11.00am – 4.00pm and you can find out more about this event here.

TCD are recruiting for mentors for their underrepresented students.  Would you like to join this programme and be a mentee?  They have extended the application deadline, and so all are welcome to apply to support communities through mentoring:  more information here.

News from/about the PPN Representatives and Secretariat

Robbie Sinnott, your Representative on the Planning and Urban Form Strategic Policy Committee (SPC), would like to share the following information.  Robbie is a member of Voice of Vision Impairment, and they would like to share their Pre-Budget Submission with the PPN.

VVI is advocating for alleviation of poverty of visually impaired people, including a basic income, tied to the average industrial wage. 

Accessible applications for services and benefits, including State social workers to assist visually impaired people in making such applications and knowing their entitlements. 

Disability-proofing of services and policies, including Active Travel, and the 2030 Sustainability Goals. 

For the Free Travel Scheme to be universal

For disabled individuals, on housing waiting lists, to be, by default, put down for two bedroom dwellings: and further details of the submission can be read here: 

The next Planning and Urban Form SPC will take place on 27 September at 10.00am and the agenda for this meeting, with supporting documents were sent to the Planning and Urban Form Linkage group on 22 September.  Please email Ruth if you would like copies of these documents or would like to raise a question/comment with Robbie. 

The second Representative on the Planning and Urban Form SPC is Anna Devlin, from the South Georgian Core Residents Association.

More next week.

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