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PPN Bulletin


Five Lamps Arts Festival invite you to their Wellbeing Day on Saturday 15 October at D-Light Studios, from 10.00am – 6.00pm Register for classes in yoga, mandala making, a cacao ceremony, reiki, sound healing, dance or for one of the talks here.

Dublin City PPN will also be developing a “Vision for Community Wellbeing” in November, and we would be very keen to speak to member groups about this.  You can read Wicklow PPN’s Vision for Community Wellbeing here and if you would like to join in one of the focus group discussions (dates to be agreed), please email Ruth at

Dublin City Council are delighted to announce the return of the Inclusion and Integration Week, which will take place from 7 – 14 November to celebrate and promote, “Dublin, a city for all”.  If you would like to host an event for Inclusion and Integration week, please follow the guidelines on the website here and your event will be included in the programme.


IMMA invite you to their eco-arts-festival, Earth Rising, which celebrates people, place, and planet at IMMA on 21, 22, and 23 October.  Talks, workshops, music and food, and in particular a workshop facilitated by Steven Doody, called, “Let’s Talk Trees”.  This workshop takes place at 12.00pm on 22Oct and you can find out more about Earth Rising here.

All Together in Dignity invite you to meet at the Famine Stone (North Dock Dublin), on 17 October, from 11.00am – 12.30pm to commemorate the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.  All welcome.

The Irish Hospice Foundation, with the support of the Creative Ireland programme, offers 15 seed grants, to support communities’ creative exploration of grief or memorialisation, by 28 October.  A previous awardee was a short film by Eamon Clery, called “Dublin, Over the Bridge,” which you can watch here.  Application details for these grants are here.  In addition, there is also a local bereavement development grant opportunity open until 11 November, which you can read more about here.

The Irish Platform for Patient Organisations, Science and Industry, (IPPOSI), would like to share its verdict of the citizen’s jury on the future use of genomics in Ireland and you can read more about this verdict here.


The Department of Rural and Community Development have asked Pobal to carry out an assessment of training that may be required by members of small community and voluntary groups and organisations in Ireland.  This survey will help Pobal identify the skills, knowledge and supports that groups already have, and those groups may need:  You can complete the survey here.

Dublin Northwest Partnership and Partners Training for Transformation, are delighted to offer a 2 day workshop called, “Working Interculturally, Promoting Integration” from 10.00am – 4.00pm on 15 and 22 November at the Rediscovery Centre, in Ballymun.  You can book your place here.

News from/about the PPN Representatives and Secretariat

The PPN Secretariat met on Tuesday night for its online monthly meeting, and agreed the minutes from the September meeting, which you can read here.  The Secretariat also agreed the Workplan 2022 Q2, and Q3 reports, presented by the Resource Worker, and you can read these reports here.

The Disability Thematic Group met on Monday night, for its online monthly meeting and you are welcome to join this group, without attending meetings.  You can follow the groups’ Facebook group page, here.  If you are not on Facebook, you can follow some of the groups’ activities here.

The PPN have two upcoming events:  a meeting on the last Thursday of October and the Plenary on the Last Thursday of November.  Further details here.

Latest News

Herd of Fallow deer, Phoenix Park, Dublin 8, Dublin 15, and Dublin 20

PPN Bulletin

Information about the Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs) Dublin City Council have asked the PPN for observations and feedback on their Draft Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) Scheme 2024 – 2029 A …

Poolbeg Chimneys, Ringsend, Dublin 4

PPN Bulletin

Information The Dublin City Council Community Grant Scheme is open until 16 August 2024.  Further information about the grants and criteria for applying is here. You will need a PPN …

PPN Bulletin

Information The closing date for applying for the PPN Support Worker role is Wednesday 03 July.  Please do share with anyone you think would be suitable in joining a two-person …

Poolbeg Lighthouse, Dublin 4

PPN Bulletin

Congratulations to all the newly elected and re-elected Councillors of Dublin City Council.  The Dublin City Public Participation Network (PPN) looks forward to working with the new (and re-elected) Councillors …

Bank Holiday Bulletin

The PPN has been very busy lately! The PPN’s Migrant Thematic Group (MTG) had a stand at Africa Day, at the Royal Hospital Kilmainham, to promote the work of the …

PPN Bulletin

PPN Events PPN Plenary at the Gresham, 23 May here. PPN DCU Summer School 27 – 30 May here. Information Applications are now open for the Music Capital Scheme Award …

PPN Bulletin

Information PPN Member Group, All Together in Dignity (ATD) invite you to enjoy their most recent publication, “Creative Pathways to Participation”.  This is a collection of poetry, writing, and art …