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PPN Bulletin


Dublin Northwest Partnership (DNP) invites you to their Social Inclusion Seminar on 03 February, from 10.00am – 1.00pm at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Northwood, Santry, Dublin 9.  The seminar will launch the support grants for 2023, and offer a chance to network and hear about the successful grant applicants from 2022.  Special guest speaker is Zak Moradi, a Kurdish Irish hurler, who plays as left-corner forward for the Leitrim senior team. 

Further details and registration here.

Tog Hackerspace invite you to their January Repair Café on 28 January, from 11.00am – 4.00pm at TOG, Unit 1b, Motor City, Kylemore Road, Dublin 12.  Bring along things to the repair café and learn how to fix them together with TOG volunteers; and enjoy tea and coffee and a tour while you wait.  You are welcome to bring along clothes, toys, small electronics, small furniture and you can find out more here.

Voice of Vision Impairment (VVI) launches the VVI Manual of Accessible Communication (VVIMAC).  Blind or partially sighted people will no more have to keep repeating the basics of accessible communication.  Service providers also now have the one-stop-shop for free and accurate “dos” and “don’ts” as compiled by the experts – VVI members.  You can read the VVIMAC here.

The Law Reform Commission invite submissions from interested parties, on the liability of clubs, societies and other unincorporated associations and you can find the full text of the consultation paper, and relevant media releases here.

The National Disability Association (NDA) invite you to the launch of “How’s it going?  A survey on wellbeing and social inclusion”, on 30 January, at 25 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 and on zoom.  Further details here.

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) invites submissions on the content of the form for the 2027 Census of Population, until midday 20 January.  Further details here

Music Network would like to inform PPN members of the Music Capital Scheme, which provides funding for the purchases of musical instruments to individual professional performing musicians, and non-professional performing groups.  More information on this scheme, and how to apply is here.


Dublin City Council (DCC) invites you to scroll through the Events Section of their website here for a wide range of activities for you and your groups, from joining a “how to quit smoking” group, to book clubs, knitting groups, English language conversation classes, Spanish language classes and more! This is a great way to meet new people, learn a new skill and get more involved in the community.

DCU Centre for Engaged Research (CER), welcome you to their webinar series:  “Sharing Knowledge” on 26 January from 12.15pm  This first session is with Tijana Milosevic and is called, “Co-designing with Children:  A Rights-Based Approach to Fighting Bullying”. 

Further information about this first session and the series here.  Registration here.

PPN Communications

You can see a full list of Dublin City PPN Representatives and Secretariat here

If you would like to watch the Representatives at their SPC meetings, you can watch them live, or from the archives here

The PPN’s 2023 workplan and budget is here.  Please contact Ruth and/or Rachel if you would like to get involved in any of these activities or have any suggestions for how we can improve this plan together.

Email Ruth on

Email Rachel on

Enjoy the PPN Member Spotlight Videos here

See the full list of PPN Member Groups here

Facebook and Twitter @dublincityppn

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