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PPN Bulletin

Kelley Bermingham has stepped down from her role as PPN Representative on the Local Community Development Committee (LCDC), and we will all miss Kelley greatly.  Kelley has been such a strong representative, working tirelessly and with such kindness.  The PPN wishes Kelley all the very best in her future chapters.

This means, that Kelley’s seat on the LCDC has become available. 

Further information about the role, and how to nominate people for the role, can be found here.  Nominations are open until Friday 25 August.  Please do also read the PPN Handbook, (2020) for further information about the structures of the PPN, if you would like to take up a representative role.

Dublin City PPN has asked Clare O’Connor to work with us to review and edit our draft Vision for Community Wellbeing statement and to help us through the Local Economic Community Plan (LECP) consultation.  To kick things off, Clare has developed a survey that she would like people to respond to:  and you can find this survey here.  Please share this survey with other people from your groups and networks.

The Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD) would like to bring your attention to an Oireachtas Consultation, which seeks views on the Future of Local Democracy, ahead of local elections in June 2024. 

Full details can be found here

The DRCD commissioned CROWE to conduct a consultation on a draft PPN Implementation Roadmap, which will give everyone involved in PPNs a chance to make a comment on the Implementation Roadmap and suggest changes and improvements.  You can find more details and the survey here.

Ruth goes on annual leave today (Friday), and so there will be no staff online until Monday 28 August.  In the meantime, feel free to contact your Representatives or Secretariat, the people from your thematic and linkage groups, and other members from your pillar, for information, support and guidance.

Finally, please have a look at all the training workshops and events we have planned for the autumn, in the Events Section of the website.  Have a wonderful August, take great care, and see you soon for a September filled with information, training, participation in local authority, and lots of fun!

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