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Public Library Strategy 2018-2022

The term of the current public libraries strategy Opportunities for All, ends in 2017. The Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government, in conjunction with the LGMA and the Libraries Development Committee, has commenced the development of a new 5 year strategy for the public library service in Ireland. The task is to identify key areas of focus for the next five-year strategy, taking account of new trends, developments and opportunities.

As part of the early consultation on developing the new strategy, they would like to invite the Public Participation Network to give some feedback on the progress of the Strategy developed to date – this is in advance of a more detailed public consultation which will take place in the Autumn.

In the draft strategy 3 thematic programmes have been identified for the development and enhancement of the public library service:

1. Community Development,
2. Literacy and Learning; and
3. Books/Reading & the Life of the Imagination.

There are 6 underpinning elements needed to progress these themes are:

1. Infrastructure
2. Funding
3. Workforce Development
4. Implementation Structures
5. Research and Innovation
6. Marketing and Promotion

Key questions:

1. Do you feel the 3 Thematic Programmes outlined would cover the most important services provided by        libraries in your locality?
2. If not, what others in your opinion could be explored and pursued?
3. Is this likely to change significantly over the period 2018-2022?
4. Do you have any other comments/suggestions on the proposed strategy?

Libraries are an important resource and civic space for individuals and communities and they invite feedback from PPN members to ensure the strategy caters to the changing needs of communities.

Please send your observations on the draft strategy outline to  or in hard copy to: Eileen Davey, Libraries Development Section, Government Buildings, Ballina, Co. Mayo.

Closing date is Friday 28th July

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