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Summer School 2023 update

Summer School 2023 update

Summer School 2023 was a great success.

In 2021, the Centre for Engaged Research in DCU contacted the PPN to find out if we could work together to try and match academic research students with voluntary, community, social inclusion, and environmental groups in Dublin City.  We decided that one step towards making a strong relationship between the centre and the network could be a summer school of activities, and as a result, Summer School 2022 was born.

Summer School 2023 took place after the May Plenary and in the first week of June on the Glasnevin campus of DCU, and it was terrific!

The days began with coffee and biscuits in the Business School, where people could chat and get to know one another, and the different Member Groups represented.  Sessions were delivered on a number of topics such as; an introduction to the PPN by Ruth Powell, an introduction to public policy and policy advocacy by Dr Deiric O’Broin, Moving from Purpose to Impact, by Eamon Ryan, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), by Lorna Green and a public speaking workshop delivered by Elaine Metcalfe.

The impacts of the week were various. 

The participants very much enjoyed the sessions and found the content informative and sometimes surprising.  However, another very clear impact for everyone was the chance to continue the chats and conversations over a delicious lunch of sandwiches, cakes and more coffee.  This was a chance to learn more about the activities and campaigns of the different member groups, in the light of the content from the sessions delivered earlier.

As a result, two people are thinking about stepping forward to be nominated as Representatives in 2024, when the council is re-elected and SPCs are dissolved and need to be re-convened. 

Two possible research ideas also came from the group, for the Centre for Engaged Research to consider, and if there is a match, or potential work from this, then that is a terrific outcome from the sessions.

However, by far the most wonderful impact of the week was to witness renewed energy, inspiration and excitement people said they felt, either for the Member Group they were directly involved with, or else the PPN in general.  This was a very exciting result of the Summer School and something that we value and treasure.  The group re-committed to its engagement to the #addthe10th campaign and also made follow on plans to do coordinated/ bilateral work together. 

Finally, everyone said they would love to come back for Summer School 2024, and so we hope very much we can do that.

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