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The last PPN Bulletin of 2022

Thank you for all your support during 2022.

It’s been quite a year!

Dublin City PPN had our first in-person Plenary meeting in May, in St Patrick’s Cathedral, where Deputy Lord Mayor, Joe Costello, launched our Five-Year Strategic Plan.

We uploaded ten wonderful videos to our website.

We held a wonderful Summer School in partnership with the Centre for Engaged Research in DCU.

We had our second “Festival of Fundraising” with Academy Street Workshop, with both zoom and in-person sessions.

Sadly, our support worker Beatriz left in the early autumn to go travelling, and we wish her every happiness with her adventures.

But we welcomed Rachel Merriman onto the team, and really look forward to working with her in 2023.  We will also be working with consultants, Ellenora Lynch, and Adrienne Boyle, on a variety of projects.  We also have Eva McCarthy with us, who is doing her work experience with the PPN, as part of her Masters’ programme in Sustainable Development.

We reviewed and edited our constitution, policies, and procedures, we developed a draft “Vision for Community Wellbeing”, and we wrote our 2023 workplan ahead of the November Plenary, which was our first hybrid event.

The Secretariat met every month, as did the Disability Thematic Group.  The Migrant Thematic Group met three times, and the Planning and Urban Linkage Group met online twice (on zoom), and many times (through email). 

We sent out 40 weekly bulletins and posted on Facebook and Twitter most days.  There are also Facebook pages for the Traffic and Transport SPC and the Disability Thematic Group (managed by the groups themselves).

We attended the National Conference in Portlaoise, and received extra funding from DCC and DRCD, which makes our planned activities for 2023, even more ambitious, useful, and dynamic.

We couldn’t have done any of this, without the time, support, knowledge, commitment and passion of our Member Groups, our Representatives, and our Secretariat.

Thank you to everyone involved in Dublin City PPN, and happy solstice, happy Christmas holidays, and a safe and healthy new year.

From Ruth and Rachel

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