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Mid-week PPN update

Elections are live!

If you are the primary contact, from an organisation in the voluntary and community pillar, you will have received an email inviting you to vote for the next Housing SPC rep via Election Buddy on Monday morning.  Please check your emails and confer with your organisation, and please vote.

If you did not receive an email, and you are certain that you are the primary contact for the organisation, please email Beatriz on   to check we have your correct details in our database.

Please note our invitation to tender document for someone to develop and deliver a Five Year Strategic Plan for Dublin City PPN.  You can read the full details of the tender here.

If you would like to attend the Andrew Montague online session about making effective submissions, with particular focus on the Dublin City Development Plan, please go here for further details.

If you would like to sign up to the Festival of Fundraising from 20 September onwards, please go here for further details.

If you would like to sign up for the Department of Rural and Community Development training sessions (a series of 8 sessions) please go here for further details.  We have been allocated six places on this training course with the Department.  Please email Ruth at if you would like to register for the full course.

Finally, we note that Dublin City PPN member group MASI, and 11 other groups have called on the government to lead in the unfolding crisis in Afghanistan.  A copy of the letter is here and we would ask PPN members to share this letter and support widely with their organisations, networks and groups.

Strength in using a common structure

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PPN Bulletin

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PPN Bulletin

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PPN Bulletin

Information Dublin City Council (DCC) would like to share their Climate Action Team official newsletter, which you can access here.  Issue One of Climate News is filled with updates, information …

PPN Bulletin

PPN Bulletin Information The Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD), would like to share the Irish version of their 2023 Annual Report with PPN member groups here.  DRCD would …

PPN Bulletin

Information The closing date for the PPN’s training needs survey is Friday 14 February. Dublin City PPN invite all member groups to complete the training needs survey below.  The PPN …

PPN Bulletin

Information Dublin City PPN invite all member groups to complete the training needs survey below.  The PPN provides capacity building training to member groups, so that they might participate more …

PPN Bulletin

Information The Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD) would like to share the Public Participation Networks (PPN) annual report for 2023.  You can read through the report here.  Please …