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PPN Bulletin


Dublin City PPN’s host, Dublin City Volunteer Centre (DCVC) would like to invite you to this year’s Dublin Volunteer Leadership Conference on 07 November, from 11.00am – 4.30pm, at Salesforce Tower Dublin.  Details of the conference and tickets are here.  The conference will be of benefit to any groups or organisations that regularly involve, supervise, and manage volunteers.  DCVC would also like to advertise two paid roles in its city centre office:  a Volunteer Engagement Officer (full time) and a Volunteer Engagement and Inclusion Officer (maternity cover).  Full details of the jobs advertised can be found here.

Dublin City Council (DCC) would like to bring your attention to its Inclusion and Integration week taking place from 6 – 12 November.  You can attend some of the activities or you can register your group into the programme of events here.  The hashtag for the week is #DublinCityInclusion23 and the PPN will be involved in as many events as possible.

PPN Member Group, Inner City Enterprise (ICE) would like to invite members to look at the work of Margaret O’Brien, on her website here  Margaret O’Brien is a nutrition and lifestyle coach and is available to offer workplace wellness programmes to PPN member groups.  You can find her contact details on her website above.

Barnardos would like to promote its “Boarded Out Practical Support Service of Adults” as they are trying to reach as many people as they can, who were boarded out as children.  Boarded out is a term used to describe children who were fostered or raised with families other than their own, in Ireland.  This happened mainly between 1920 – 1970 and Barnardos would appreciate member groups sharing this service with their networks and groups.

Smashing Times invite you to their “In Solidarity:  An International Celebration of Arts and Human Rights” festival from 13 October – 22 October.  The festival features exciting and innovative events that promote equality, human rights and diversity through the arts.  A full programme of events can be found here.  One of the many events is entitled “A Constitution that Reflects Our Values”, which will give space to discuss the upcoming referendum on family, care and gender equality in early 2024, and this event will hear speakers such as, Dr Ursula Barry, Don Samaratunga, and Rachel Coyle.

The Irish Wheelchair Association (IWA) is launching its “Getting Nowhere” transport campaign on 23 October, at the Gibson Hotel, Dublin from 11.00am onwards.  This campaign calls on the government to introduce mandatory standards when designing or planning transport infrastructure.

Inspire Mentoring have opened their mentoring programme this year.  Volunteer as a mentor, and support a young person to reach their full potential.  Find out more about the mentoring programme here.

Dublin City TV invite you to Pearse Street Library on Friday 13 October, from 11.30am – 3.30pm (with lunch included), to discuss how to bring the content from NGOs and small volunteer led groups to DCTV.  During the day, you will hear about the variety of programming and why DCTV might be a good partner for your group.  No registration required.

The Fundingpoint Local Digest provides up-to-date funding information for non-profits in the Dublin City area.  Funding sources reflect both local and national funding opportunities.  All information is quoted directly from the funder website and literature and you can read the October 2023 – November 2023 summary here.


Save the date:  our next PPN Plenary will take place on Thursday 30 November, from 6.30pm – 8.30pm

The PPN’s next Environmental Day, for Environmental Pillar member groups is taking place at the F2 Community Centre, on Saturday 28 October, from 10.00am – 4.00pm

10.00am- 12.30pm 

Sustainable Living with Aoife Munn

12.30pm- 1.30pm   

Lunch and networking

1.30pm – 4.00pm 

Stephen Rourke will facilitate a session about the environmental pillar of the PPN, and how you can get more involved. 

Please email Ruth by 14 October, if you would like to attend.

This week’s online, support training with Dun Laoghaire Rathdown PPN and Carmichael is:

Wednesday 11 October, from 7.00pm – 9.00pm

How to set up and run and community and voluntary organisation

Thursday 12 October, 12.00pm – 2.00pm

PowerPoint (infographics)

Small, FREE sessions for Dun Laoghaire Rathdown and Dublin City PPN Member Groups.

Email Ruth for the zoom links and passwords.

Updates from the PPN Representatives and Secretariat

You can watch the Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) meetings online here.

You can join any of our linkage groups or thematic groups (which are working groups meant to bridge the work between the Representatives and the wider network).  There are currently 4 linkage groups:  the Planning and Urban Form Linkage Group, the Traffic and Transport Linkage Group, the Housing Linkage Group and the Environmental Pillar Linkage Group.

In addition, there are two thematic groups:  the Disability Thematic Group and the Migrant Thematic Group.

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