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PPN Bulletin


Dublin City PPN is seeking nominations for its Secretariat.  One of the main roles of the PPN is to provide a nominating structure to elect community representatives to decision making committees, sub-groups, and Secretariat.  There are currently THREE VACANCIES on the Secretariat, which is the administrative body of the PPN.  Please go here for further details about these roles, the nominations process, and deadline.

This week is Dublin City’s Inclusion and Integration Week and to celebrate, the PPN’s Migrant Thematic Group are hosting a photography exhibition at the CHQ.  The title of the exhibition is called “A taste of Mongolia” and you can drop by and visit with the organisers from 10.00am – 6.00pm on Friday 10 November. 

Meanwhile, the PPN’s Disability Thematic Group (DTG), is hosting a coffee morning and discussion at the Carmelite Centre, from 11.00am – 1.00pm on Friday 10 November, to celebrate Inclusion and Integration week.  Come along to the meeting if you would like to hear more about the PPN, more about the 2024 plans for the DTG group, or if you are interested in disability issues and disability rights in general.

You can find further information here.

PPN Updates from the Representatives and Secretariat

The next Environmental Day for member groups in the PPN Environmental Pillar/College will take place on Monday 27 November, from 10.00am – 4.00pm at the F2 Centre.  The morning workshop will be a wreath making workshop with Aoife Munn, and the afternoon session will be facilitated by Stephen Rourke.  The afternoon session will be an open discussion about the aims of this Environmental Pillar linkage group, and ideas about collaborative work in 2024.

The next Planning and Urban Form linkage group meeting will take place online, on 29 November.  Stephen Rourke will facilitate another session to those interested in learning more about this particular linkage group.  Stephen would like to share this Position Paper ahead of this meeting, but you do not have to read it before you sign up to the meeting.  Stephen will be sending emails to member groups, who might be particularly interested in planning and urban form.

The next Housing linkage group meeting will take place on 20 November, and again, Stephen Rourke has written a position paper, which you can access here.  Stephen will be sending emails to member groups, who might be particularly interested in housing.

The next PPN Plenary will be held on Thursday 30 November, from 6.30pm – 8.30pm in the Gresham Hotel.  Places are limited and registration will open soon.

Email Ruth on or Rachel on

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