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Dublin City Public Participation Network Election News

Dublin City Public Participation Network (DCPPN) is seeking nominations for its Secretariat.

One of the main roles of the PPN is to provide a nominating structure to elect community representatives to decision making committees, sub-groups, and Secretariat.

There are currently THREE VACANCIES on the Secretariat, which is the administrative body of the PPN.  Two of these vacancies are available people from PPN member groups in the social inclusion pillar, and one is available to a person from a member group from the voluntary and community pillar.  These three seats are available as Gerry Kerr, John Redmond and Deirdre Lynch have stepped down from their roles.

Only registered member groups can make nominations and the candidates being nominated should have the relevant knowledge, experience, time commitment required and meet the qualifying criteria for the role.

Role of the Secretariat

The Dublin City PPN Secretariat is made up of three members from each of the three pillars/colleges of the PPN: Community & Voluntary, Social Inclusion and Environment, totalling nine altogether. 

The role of the Secretariat is to:

  • Identify, coordinate, and facilitate activities of the PPN which are of benefit to its members.
  • Communicate with all PPN members and disseminate information concerning all PPN activities.
  • Ensure the proper functioning of the PPN.
  • Devise a workplan and proposals to present to the Plenary.
  • Work closely with the PPN resource worker and support worker, to deliver PPN objectives between plenaries.
  • Support the strategic development of the Dublin City PPN.
  • Work to ensure that the profile of the PPN is raised and inclusive.
  • Work to ensure that representatives and linkage groups are participative.
  • Only members of the relevant pillar can nominate a member of the Secretariat for that pillar. 
  • The Secretariat meets on the second Tuesday of every month, attends two Plenaries, and participates in planning groups as required.

Skills and Attributes

  • A keen interest and awareness of general issues in the pillar the candidate represents.
  • Experience of working and/or volunteering in the member group the candidate is selected from.
  • Excellent organisational skills
  • Experience of working on a board or committees.
  • A commitment to attend meetings and events and participate fully in the duties of the Secretariat.

For further details on the PPN nomination process, see page 44 – 47 of the PPN Handbook (2020).


PPN representatives are expected to gather and present the views and opinions of member organisations.

All PPN reps are required to sign the Representatives Charter and to adhere to PPN reporting mechanisms, constitution, policies.

Dublin City PPN is non-political, non-sectarian and adheres to CVSP 8/2018 re: PPNs and Engagement in the Political Process.

Nominations Process*

Email  with the following information.

  1. Name, group membership number, and Pillar of the person proposing the nomination.
  2. Name, email, and telephone number of the person seconding the nomination.
  3. Name, group membership number, Pillar and telephone number of the person being nominated. 

Emails without the above information will not be considered as nominations for this role.  Emails to be received by Wednesday 22 November 2023. 

In the event of more nominations than vacancies available, an election will be held. In the event of only three people being nominated, they will be deemed automatically elected.

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