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PPN Bulletin

PPN Member Group, Dublin City Interfaith Forum, invite you to an Act of Lament, towards hope from “War to Peace”, scheduled for Monday 27 November from 7.00pm at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin 8.  It is their hope that the Act of Lament, will offer a moment of reflection and compassion with prayers and readings in solidarity with all who suffer as a result of wars and violence, all victims of the Israel-Palestine conflict, and the many other conflicts across the world.


Dublin City Council is working on a new Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP), which is a six-year plan to promote and support local and community development in Dublin City, and promote and support economic development.  DCC would like to hear what you think about their draft High Level Goals (HLG) and objectives towards this LECP, and you can give your views here

Dublin City PPN has been tasked with assisting its member groups to make submissions on this plan, and to that end, we have asked Consultant Facilitator, Clare O’Connor to help us work with member groups, linkage groups and thematic groups to either make several individual submissions, or to make submissions on behalf of the Dublin City PPN.  Please email Ruth if you would like Clare to help you make a submission on this important plan for the city’s direction.

Dublin City PPN currently has three vacancies on its Secretariat and is looking for nominations.  Deadline for official nominations is Wednesday 22 November and the full process of how to nominate is here.

The November Plenary will be on Thursday 30 November from 6.30pm – 8.30pm, at the Gresham Hotel on O’Connell Street, and online, and the full programme is here

Please register for the event on Eventbrite here.

This is a hybrid event and please email us if you would like the zoom invite.

The Draft 2024 Workplan and Budget could be circulated to all member groups for comments and feedback ahead of the November Plenary.  You can download the Draft 2024 Workplan and Budget here.

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PPN Bulletin

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PPN Bulletin

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PPN Bulletin

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PPN Bulletin

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PPN Bulletin

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