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PPN Bulletin

photograph of Merrion Square, by Member Group South Georgian Core Residents’ Association


We wish all our PPN member groups a happy International Women’s Day on 08 March.

You are invited to celebrate International Women’s Day with Dublin City Council at the Finglas Youth Resource Centre for some wellness and inspirational talks, Zumba, fitness, music, fun and light refreshments. 

Everyone is welcome to this FREE event, and you can call 087 – 1737 666 or email for further details.

Alternatively, you might like to celebrate International Women’s Day with a session with the Nigerians in Diaspora (NIDOE) Ireland group, who would like to invite you to a zoom on Sunday, 10 March at 6.00pm, where you can hear from Special Guest Speakers:  Ruth Coppinger, Cllr Uruemu Adejinmi, Cllr Yemi Adenuga, Hon Edizemi Onilenla, and Hon Carol Okeke.  You can register for this event here.

The Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD), have asked the firm S3 Solutions, to investigate the barriers to involvement of Public Participation Networks (PPNs).  If you would like to take part in a workshop/information session to share your views, please choose which workshop to attend here.

Variations to the Dublin City Development Plan 2022 – 2028 are here.


The Wheel has provided the Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD), with a series of training resources, for Public Participation Networks (PPNs).  You are welcome to access these presentations here

Topics covered are:  PPN Hosting Arrangements, Basics of Employment and HR Practice, Successful Communication for Community Groups and Voluntary Boards, Leading Communities:  the role of the Board or Committee Member, Social Media, Procurement and Strategic Planning.

Updates from Representatives and Secretariat

Stephen Rourke was engaged by the PPN in 2023, to work with three linkage groups:  the Planning and Urban Form linkage group, the Housing linkage group and the Environmental Pillar linkage group.  Stephen has written a position paper about this work, with recommendations for Dublin City PPN, and you can access it here.

In 2024, all Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs) will be dissolved and re-convened, which means that all SPC seats will become vacant.  If you are interested in housing, traffic, planning, the climate, culture and leisure or the economic development of Dublin City, you might like to sit on one of these SPCs in one of these areas:  if you would like to learn more, why not come along to an information session on Thursday 07 March, from 7.00pm – 8.30pm to find out more.  Please email Rachel for the zoom link.

All Dublin City PPN Bulletins are uploaded to the website and can be read here.

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