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PPN Bulletin


The Dublin City PPN Disability Thematic Group, (DTG) would like to invite you to an event at the Mansion House, entitled, “Access to the Public Realm in Pictures”.

Wednesday, 20 March, 2024 from 11.00am – 1.00pm

The event will explore the challenges faced by the public, in accessing various spaces, through captivating images.  The event will also showcase photographs that highlight the accessibility issues present in the public realm, sparking important conversations about inclusivity and equity.  Come and be part of this eye-opening experience, that aims to raise awareness and drive positive change in the community.  FREE tickets for the event here 

Africa Day:  Africa Day is the annual celebration of the continent’s cultures and people and falls on Thursday 25 May each year.  This year, Dublin City Council in partnership with the Department of Foreign Affairs will organise a special and unique Africa Day celebration on Sunday 19 May in Dublin City Centre.

PPN Member Groups are invited to participate in this year’s event to celebrate African cultures and the links between Africa and Ireland.

If you would like your member group to be involved in Africa Day, please complete this registration of interest form here:  The PPN Migrant Thematic Group (MTG) has completed the form, and expressed its interest in having a stand on Africa Day, and being able to share information with the public about the groups’ work.

The Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD), have asked the firm S3 Solutions, to investigate the barriers to involvement of Public Participation Networks (PPNs).  If you would like to take part in a workshop/information session to share your views, please choose which workshop to attend here.

Sláintecare Healthy Communities and Dublin City University (DCU), invite you to a “Co-designing Health Literacy Solutions Workshop” on Wednesday 20 March, from 10.00am – 1.00pm in Finglas Youth Resource Centre, and you can find out more about the workshop and register here.

The National Economic Social Council (NESC) invite you to read their latest report, “Natural Capital Accounting:  A Guide for Action” here.  This report was launched on 12 March at the Royal Convention Centre, and one of the participants at the launch, Martin Hawkes, would also like to share a document with PPN members.  Martin’s document is entitled: “Exploring Language as a Resource for Sustainability”.  “Tá Dóchas sa Dúchas”, which you can access here.

Variations to the Dublin City Development Plan 2022 – 2028 are here.


Dublin City PPN member groups and the member groups of Dun Laoghaire Rathdown PPN are invited to an online training support, called, “Understand your purpose – how to write and update your group’s constitution” on Thursday 21 March, from 7.00pm – 9.00pm  You can register for this FREE training session here.

Updates from Representatives and Secretariat

The PPN Secretariat held its monthly meeting on Tuesday 12 March, and agreed the minutes from the last meeting, held on Tuesday 13 February.  You can read those minutes on the PPN website here.

All Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) meetings can be accessed here.

Please contact Ruth and/or Rachel if you would like more information about the role of PPN representatives on the new SPCs to be formed, after the local elections in June 2024 (dates to be confirmed).  Ruth and Rachel are available for one-to-one chats/coffees/zooms or visits to your group, to talk more about the up and coming vacancies.

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