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PPN Bulletin

Information about the Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs)

Dublin City Council have asked the PPN for observations and feedback on their Draft Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) Scheme 2024 – 2029

A report will go back to the September meeting of Dublin City Council on 02 September, and if adopted, the PPN will at that point, be requested to provide representation on the committees. 

SPCs are intended to be strategic in nature while the operational matters are mainly dealt with at Area Committees. The City Council is, and remains, the decision making authority and the final decision on strategic issues rests with the full Council.

If your member group wishes to make an observation, you can do so by visiting the website here: 

If you wish to make a joint PPN comment, please send your comment to Ruth by Thursday 31 July, and this will be collated and sent to the Council as a joint PPN observation.

Ruth’s email is: 

The PPN has three objectives:  to share information within the network, to offer capacity building training within the network and to offer support to Representatives who sit on SPCs.  Nomination forms for representatives to sit on the various SPCs, will be sent to all member groups from 02 September onwards.

General Information

The PPN were at an event this week, called, “Welcoming New Communities” in Dublin Castle, where Minister Joe O’Brien announced a new Community Connection Project.  Over 150 delegates from Local Development Companies, the community and voluntary sector and national representative organisations attended the event, and the PPN’s Migrant Thematic Group was present to participate in round table discussions and network.  You can read the full press release here.

Dublin City Council (DCC) have developed a draft Digital Transformation Strategy to inform their digital efforts by 2030.  If you would like to read more about this draft strategy, and make a submission to DCC, you can do so here.  You can find out more about other DCC open consultations on the Consultation Hub here.

Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee has welcomed the launch of the process for the selection of Chairpersons for new Local Community Safety Partnerships (LCSPs) across the country.  You can read the full press release, and find out more about how to make an Expression of Interest (EOI) here.

The PPN host, Dublin City Volunteer Centre (DCVC) now has a dedicated page on their website to support volunteering for International Protection Applicants.  If you are an international protection applicant, a displaced person or refugee, volunteering can be a wonderful way to help get to know your new community while building confidence and well-being.  The page of supports is here.

Léargas invite PPN members to several information sessions to find out more about Erasmus + Funding for short term projects and supports.  You can find out more about the application clinics, webinars and drop in sessions here.


Autumn series of FREE PPN training sessions

  1. Healthy You – care for the carers training with Martin Saunders

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