The closing date for the PPN’s training needs survey is Friday 14 February. Dublin City PPN invite all member groups to complete the training needs survey below. The PPN provides capacity building training to PPN member groups, so that they might participate more in local authority decision making. Please complete the survey, so that we can curate the most useful and helpful and fun series of training sessions for 2025, by Friday 14 February. You can access the survey here.
Dublin City Council (DCC), is happy to announce that the Local Enhancement Programme (LEP) Grant Scheme, is now open. Applications for this grant should be able to demonstrate how their proposal will contribute to Goal 4 of the Dublin City Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) 2024 – 2029, which some PPN member groups made submissions on. The closing date for applications is Friday 28 February and you can read more about the scheme and the application criteria, here.
The closing date for registering an event for Dublin City Council’s (DCC) Learning City Festival is Friday 21 February. You can register your event directly here. Dublin Learning City is a partnership that is collaborating to advance Dublin as a learning region, as defined by UNESCO, and the theme for this year’s festival is “Create, Connect, Change”.
Air pollution and mental health: share your voice.
A new study is underway in Dublin, Cork and Limerick, to explore how pollutants like particulate matter (PM2.5, PM10), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2), might be linked to anxiety and depression. Have your say and help shape the future of mental health and air quality research: Click here to participate in the survey.
As part of the Department of Finance’s efforts to refresh the Irish National Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Proliferation Financing Risk Assessment, the Department is asking non-profit organisations to complete this question for the Government’s Anti-Money Laundering Steering Committee. You can complete the survey here.
Social Justice Ireland (SJI), invite PPN member groups to its “Measuring Progress: the Sustainable Progress Index 2025 webinar Launch” on 20 February, from 12.00pm Thursday 20 February is Global Justice Day. Join SJI, as they launch Measuring Progress: The Sustainable Progress Index 2025, which is a review of Ireland’s progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). You can register for this webinar here.
You are invited to participate in a soil survey entitled, “Survey on practitioners’ needs regarding onsite digital technologies to monitor nutrients, chemical and biological stressors, in both soil and plants for food safety and nutrition”. You can access the survey here.
Not another survey!!! Remember, you can ask someone else from your member group to complete surveys for you. Perhaps ask a volunteer or a service user of the group you work with, or volunteer with. No one can do everything – spread the work.
Training for PPN member groups
Warrenmount Adult Education Centre, Mill Street, Dublin 8 invite PPN member groups to FREE yoga classes on Friday mornings between 10.00am – 12.00pm To save your place, or find out more about the classes email Fraser on and ask him to save you a place.
Margaret Aylward Centre invite PPN member groups to a session called, “Celtic Spirituality in Myth, Art and Music – where did the Aos Si come from? With Colette Kane. The session takes place on 15 February from 10.00am – 1.00pm at the Margaret Aylward Centre, and you can access more information about the event here.
Family Carers Ireland has developed a suite of eLearning courses to give family carers information and guidance on key aspects of caring, including self-care, coping with grief, nutrition and Hydration, positive communication and continence care. There are additional modules on planning for the future, an introduction to dementia care and an introduction to first aid skills. You can download the suite of courses here.
Technology University Dublin (TU Dublin), invite people to apply for the Master of Science in Sustainable Development course. You can read about the course content, the schedule and how to apply for this course here.
Northwest Partnership invite you to the following events and training courses.
Older Persons Information Fair: click here
Restorative Practice Workshop: click here
Rights and Entitlements of the Older Person: click here
“Lectures in your library series”, with DCU in the Community and Finglas and Ballymun libraries click here.
Updates from PPN Representatives and Secretariat
The Mobility and Public Realm Strategic Policy Committee (SPC), will be held on Wednesday 12 February at 3.00pm You can watch the committee meeting live here
Your PPN representatives on this committee are Dr Robbie Sinnott from Voice of Vision Impairment, which is a Social Inclusion Pillar member group. And Emmet O’Briain, from Berkeley Road Area Residents’ Association, which is a PPN Community and Voluntary Pillar member group. For a full list of PPN representatives, the member groups they come from, and the pillar they belong to, click here.
You can email Ruth or Siobhán with comments and questions about the Dublin City PPN. You can follow Dublin City PPN on Facebook or X.