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PPN Bulletin

Many thanks to those who came along to Andrew Montague’s presentation to the Planning and Urban Form Linkage Group on Thursday 09 September.  Andrew delivered a presentation on how to write submissions to the council, with particular reference to the Dublin City Development Plan 2022 – 2028.  Andrew will do a follow up to this session on 08 December.  Further details on the Events Section of our website site here.

The Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) meetings have started again after the summer break, and you can watch them take place on Dublin City Council’s webcast portal here.  You can subscribe and watch all of the meetings, or choose which ones you and your organisation are most interested in.  Dublin City PPN has representatives on seven SPCs and you can read the full list here.

If you are not sure what a SPC is, or what a PPN representative does, you might like to come along to our very first “Reps Night In” on Zoom on Wednesday 29 September from 7.00pm – 8.30pm.  You can find out more information here.

You can listen back to Odran Reid’s interview on the John Healy’s Northside Today programme on NearFM here.  You can listen back to Yvonne Ardiff, from Ballymun Youthreach speak to John here.

We are hoping to deliver Volunteer Management training soon, but Beatriz would like to ask a few questions, to help us understand your needs when planning the training.  If you have time, please go here:

Please also contact Beatriz, on if you would like to get involved in our Migrant Thematic Group or if you have any ideas or suggestions for a Guest Speaker to come to present at our Kick-Off meeting (date to be confirmed).  This is an open invitation to anyone interested in multiculturality, ethnic diversity and migrant issues. 

We would also like to announce that Ellenora Lynch will be developing and delivering our Five Year Strategic Plan.  Ellenora will be asking to speak to a number of PPN member organisations about where they see the future of the PPN, and where they see potential challenges.  Ellenora will be conducting semi-structured interviews, facilitating focus group discussions, sending out questionnaires and surveys and we hope that as many people as possible will be able to participate in this process.

Finally, local film maker, Paul Woodward is making ten short PPN promotional films of PPN member organisations.  If you would like your organisation to be in this project, please email and we will put names into a hat.  Please only enter if you have time to give to this process, and the best of luck to everyone!

News from the wider PPN

There are still spaces on a variety of courses this September with An Cosán and TU Dublin and Connections Arts Centre  

Kildonan Park Sculpture Commission – public update takes place on 24 September from 2.00pm – 3.00pm online here.  The meeting will be chaired by Linda Emmett, former Lord Mayor of Finglas and member of the Finglas Historical Society.

Meeting Place Club have a FREE yoga session on Wednesday 22 September from 11.00am – 1.00pm Many thanks to Sandra Dillon for sharing this with the wider PPN!  Namaste.

You can access a wide range of FREE training for you and other members of your organisations with The Wheel, Carmichael, and  Volunteer Ireland  If you don’t have time to do the training sessions, perhaps ask one of your volunteers to do it and share it with you afterwards!  If you would like to have volunteers working with you, get in touch with Dublin City Volunteer Centre for supports and services in this area.  You can find out what volunteering roles are available now, or how to recruit volunteers to your programme here

If you can, please follow us on social media, follow our website updates, and please share this bulletin with other people in your organisations and networks.  Please contact Ruth on or Beatriz on if you have any suggestions, questions, comments or advice. 

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