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PPN Bulletin

Please save the date of 25 November for the Dublin City PPN Plenary.  Our second plenary of the year will take place on Zoom from 7.00pm – 9.00pm and we hope that as many member organisations as possible will come along.  Come along for updates from the Secretariat, to find out how our Five Year Strategic Plan is developing, to network with one another and to enjoy an evening of celebrating the work of the voluntary, community, social inclusion and environmental sectors of Dublin City.  Further details and a registration link will follow on the Events Section of our website here.

If you are interested in the work and topics raised at Strategic Policy Committees, one of the best ways to learn more is to watch one of the SPC meetings on Dublin City Council’s webcast library.  Most recently the Planning and Urban Form SPC meeting took place on 28 September and the Climate Action, Environment and Energy SPC meeting happened on 22 September.  You can subscribe to this site and be notified by email about upcoming webcasts that matter to you. 

Dublin City PPN has 20 representatives and a 9 person Secretariat and you can see the full list of people here.

If you are interested in joining our Migrant Thematic Group, please contact Beatriz.

We were delighted to deliver an information presentation to the Cor Network  Wednesday and please let us know if you would like us to come to any of your events or meetings in order to deliver a very short introduction about the PPN to your members, colleagues and volunteers. 

Maria Flanagan of An Cosán would like to share the following updates:
An Cosán’s Adult Education Calendar is open for programmes commencing September 2021 An Cosán have a range of courses and programmes available across all levels in Access, Further Education and Higher Education. We offer both classroom-based courses in our centre in Tallaght and online options for people to join from all over Ireland.  Find out more: Download our current Adult Education CalendarAn Cosan’s Brochure, find out about the application process and view our Guide to financial supportsSpotlight on: Certificate in Personal and Professional Development Start Date: Wednesday 3rd November

Elaine McGauran of Innovate Communities runs a programme called INSPIRE MENTORING in partnership with LinkedIn to assist young people from 18 – 25 to develop their own potential and to own their own future.  If you would like to be a mentor on this programme, you can complete this application form.

Meanwhile, the Department of Health is updating its palliative care policy for adults and is conducting a public consultation to get the views of individuals, organisations and communities throughout the country on palliative and end of life care.  There are two versions of a survey:  one for individuals here.  And one for organisations and community groups  here.  Further information  here

You can access a wide range of FREE training for you and other members of your organisations with The Wheel, Carmichael, and  Volunteer Ireland  If you don’t have time to do the training sessions, perhaps ask one of your volunteers to do it and share it with you afterwards! 

If you would like to have volunteers working with you, get in touch with Dublin City Volunteer Centre for supports and services in this area.  You can find out what volunteering roles are available now, or how to recruit volunteers to your programme here

If you can, please follow us on social media, follow our website updates, and please share this bulletin with other people in your organisations and networks.  Please contact Ruth on or Beatriz on if you have any suggestions, questions, comments or advice. 

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