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PPN Bulletin

As you know, Ellenora Lynch is in the process of developing Dublin City PPN’s first five year strategic plan, and as part of this, everyone was sent a questionnaire to complete yesterday morning.  If you missed the email, you can still access the survey here and we would be very grateful if you could take some time to complete it, so that Ellenora has as much data to analyse as possible. 

As another section to this process, Ellenora will be facilitating a consultation workshop on Wednesday 17 November from 7.00pm – 8.30pm and we would also like as many people to attend this as possible.  Please email Ruth on  for a zoom link, if you would like to attend this workshop.

PPN November Events

A big thank you to Philip Isard, from Quality Matters for delivering a superb training on impact assessment and measuring outcomes on Wednesday 03 November.

Other PPN events in November are:

The PPN will hold its Kick-off Event to start its Migrant Thematic Group on Thursday 11 November.  This group is open to any organisations and groups, who work with migrant issues, and intercultural and ethnically diverse themes.  This meeting will be part of Dublin City Council’s Inclusion and Integration Week.  If you would like to come to this meeting, please email Beatriz on for the zoom link.

Dublin City Council’s Integration and Inclusion week begins on Monday 08 November, and the launch of the week takes place from 11.30 – 12.30pm in City Hall.  You can follow the week’s events via the hashtag #Dublincityinclusion21

The PPN’s second Plenary of the year will take place on 25 November and all member groups are welcome.  Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland will open the event, and Ellenora Lynch will present a draft of the five year strategic plan, for final comments.  There will be some entertainment and refreshments, and we will send out the registration link next Friday.

Franzi, from Dublin City Volunteer Centre would like to share the following update:

Are you ready to move on from COVID lockdowns? Would you like to connect with people in your community again? Do you enjoy motivating people to take positive action? As part of their new “The Experience Bank” project, Dublin City Volunteer Centre (DCVC) is looking for mature volunteer Community Ambassadors who are interested in supporting people in their local community to embark on their personal volunteering journey. Find out more here.

Dublin City Volunteer Centre are also offering places on their Fundamentals of Volunteer Engagement training.  This is a new, 2 module, FREE online course, designed to meet the needs of volunteer managers in a changing world.  This short course is excellent for those who are new to the topic of volunteer management and leadership, or who wish to improve their skillset.

You can register now for one of the three dates options by clicking on the blue highlighted:

You can also access a full list of the courses, supports and services offered by An Cosán here for other training interests.

Please follow Dublin City PPN on Facebook and Twitter if you can, and feel free to browse through our website

Please contact Ruth on or Beatriz on if you have any questions, comments, thoughts or suggestions.

Strength in using a common structure.

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