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PPN Bulletin

PPN Autumn Events

The PPN and Academy Street Workshop Festival of Fundraising takes place this year from 26 – 29 September.

Come along for one-to-one clinics, a session on writing grant applications, a session on the specific fundraising challenges for migrant organisations, and a panel discussion.  We will also be observing a “live fundraiser” with Spirasi and you can read further information about the festival here.

Last Thursday of the Month Members’ Meet-Up, 27 October, from 7.00pm – 8.30pm online and further information here.

November Plenary, 25 November, from 7.00pm – 8.30pm in the Rediscovery Centre, Ballymun, and further information here.

The Secretariat monthly meetings take place on Zoom, every second Tuesday of the month, and the next one will be on 13 September.  Agreed minutes are posted on the Resources section of the website. Please contact Ruth if you would like any items to go onto the draft agenda of these meetings.

The Disability Thematic Group, meet every second Monday of the month, on zoom from 6.00pm – 8.00pm and all are welcome.  Please email Ruth if you would like the zoom link for the next meeting, on 12 September.

PPN Mazars’ Report

If anyone would like to make a written response to the Department, regarding the PPN report by Mazars, please send Ruth your comments by 30 August, and she will collate them and send them to the Department, on behalf of the PPN. 

You can read the full report here

However, if you would prefer to go to a zoom and/or live session, with Social Justice Ireland, to discuss the report with other PPN stakeholders, please email Ruth for the link and details.  The zoom session is on 24 August, from 1.00pm – 3.00pm and the in-person session is in Laois, on 26 August, from 10.00am – 1.00pm

PPN Survey

The Wheel, and Adare HRM, on behalf of the Department of Rural and Community Development, are carrying out a training needs, and HR support needs assessment of PPNs across Ireland.  Please complete the survey (it’s anonymous) if you would like to identify where supports for the PPN are needed most. 

You can fill out the survey (it only takes 2 minutes…) here by Friday 26 August.  A follow up webinar will take place on 31 August at 7.00pm and if you would like a link for that, please email Ruth.

Re-Registrations 2022

Beatriz is trying to re-register as many PPN member groups as possible, so that the information we have on our Members Directory is reliable. 

Her email is and she recently sent two emails asking groups to re-register. 

If you received an email from her, please fill out the short form and send it back to her.  If you didn’t receive an email from her, you don’t need to do anything just now.

Thank you for helping us with this.

LEVEL-UP for Access:  a FREE 4-day course in TU from 29 Aug – 01 Sept

Are you interested in returning to education or continuing your education to college, but not sure where to start?  Or have you heard of the TU Dublin Access Foundation Programme, but you’re not sure if it’s the right option for you? 

Then why not join LEVEL UP FOR ACCESS:  a FREE 4-day course in TU Dublin from 29 Aug – 01 Sept.  This hands on course, is specifically designed to help you decide if college is the right move for you and you can find out more here.


ATD Ireland, would like to invite all PPN members to support its campaign to recognise socio-economic discrimination as a tenth ground in Irish equality legislation.  You can sign the petition here and please post a photo of yourself and your organisation, with the hashtag, #addthe10th onto social media, and ATD Ireland will like it and share it.

And finally…

Last week we mentioned Dublin City Council’s FREE, open-air operas, which are taking place in Wood Quay on Thursday lunchtimes.  This week, we sign out with a note about DCC’s FREE, open air cinema events taking place at Meeting House Square. 

There will be two screenings of children’s films, every Sunday in September from 12 and 3.00pm, and you can register for your FREE ticket here:  for children, and the young at heart, and we hope you enjoy them!

PPN Communications

Please follow Dublin City PPN on Facebook and Twitter if you can, and feel free to browse through our website

Dublin City PPN is hosted by Dublin City Volunteer Centre, and you can find out more about their work and activities here.

Please contact Ruth on or Beatriz on if you have any questions, comments, thoughts or suggestions.

Strength in using a common structure

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PPN Bulletin

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PPN Bulletin

Information The closing date for the PPN’s training needs survey is Friday 14 February. Dublin City PPN invite all member groups to complete the training needs survey below.  The PPN …

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