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PPN Bulletin


Focus Ireland, and PPN Housing Representative, Mike Allen are calling on PPN Member Groups to support the campaign, calling on the government to keep the eviction ban in place. 

“Nobody should be evicted into homelessness”. 

Follow the hashtag, #keeptheban to follow the public awareness campaign and the people and organisations, that are supporting the campaign.

The Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government would like groups and organisations to resume the work of a review group, in 2018, and are seeking views on a model that was developed and agreed at that time.  Details about this funding allocation model (as detailed on the website in the following link), can be commented on here.

UNESCO Dublin Learning City invites you to the launch of Dublin Learning City Festival on Monday 03 April, at 11.00amin Pearse Street Library.  Special guest, Lord Mayor of Dublin, Caroline Conroy will be attending and please register here if you are interested in the event.  If your group or organisation would like to host an event during the festival, please complete this form here.

Dublin City University’s Age Friendly Unit would like to inform PPN Member Groups about their activities during Global Intergenerational Week from 24 April – 30 April, 2023.  If you would like to host an activity or get more involved, you can find out more about the week here

Age and Opportunity arts initiative would like to let PPN Member Groups know that it’s Bealtaine 2023 Festival registrations are open.  If your group would like to host an event during the festival, please register your interest here.

Open Government Partnership Ireland ask, “do you or your organisation have a proposed action or actions that could further enhance the open government values of transparency, civic participation and public accountancy?”  Details of the consultation process, which will inform commitments for the next Open Government National Action Plan can be found here.


The Wheel is offering a number of supports and training workshops to PPNs.   Please find the link to the Strategic Planning online workshop here.  This is of interest to Member Groups who are involved in strategic planning for their organisations and networks.

Carmichael invite you to their “Increasing Board Effectiveness Webinar” on 29 March at 2.30pm  Governing Boards are expected to be more engaged, more knowledgeable and more effective than ever.  Join this webinar to learn the right tools and best practice.

Updates from PPN Representatives and Secretariat

Please save the dates for some PPN Events in the next few months.

30 March               

Last Thursday of the Month Members’ Meet-Up with Kelley Bermingham, facilitated by Adrienne Boyle.  All you need to know about grants from the Local Community Development Committee (LCDC).

25/26/27 April       

Local Economic and Community Plans (LECPs) information sessions facilitated by Clare O’Connor, who will introduce guest speakers, invite questions and answers and assist groups to think about how to make a submission.

27 April                  Last Thursday of the Month Members’ Meet-Up.

25 May                   Plenary at Trinity Comprehensive School, Ballymun

29 May – 2 June     PPN/DCU Summer School at Glasnevin

Further information will be on the Events Section of our website as we update. 

PPN Communications

You can see a full list of Dublin City PPN Representatives and Secretariat here

If you would like to watch the Representatives at their SPC meetings, you can watch them live, or from the archives here

The PPN’s FINAL 2023 workplan and budget is here.  Please contact Ruth and/or Rachel if you would like to get involved in any of these activities.

Email Ruth on

Email Rachel on

Enjoy the PPN Member Spotlight Videos here

See the full list of PPN Member Groups here

Facebook and Twitter @dublincityppn

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