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PPN Bulletin


We are delighted to welcome Rachel Merriman back to the staff of Dublin City PPN.  Rachel re-joins Ruth this week and will be working on (amongst other things), the management of new member groups to the network, the Disability Thematic Group, the November Plenary, and a variety of capacity building training programmes.

We also welcome Dr Akeem Omatayo Badmus to the network, who replaces Kelley Bermingham as the PPN representative on the Local Community Development Committee (LCDC).  Dr Badmus is from the Africa Centre, which is an organisation in the Community and Voluntary Pillar (or college).  While we are very sad to say goodbye to Kelley, we welcome Dr Badmus fully, and hope he finds his new role and responsibilities fun, engaging and useful.

Dublin City PPN has asked Clare O’Connor to work with us to review and edit our draft Vision for Community Wellbeing statement and to help us through the Local Economic Community Plan (LECP) consultation.  To kick things off, Clare has developed a survey that she would like people to respond to:  and you can find this survey here

Please share this survey, and any other relevant information with the other people in your organisations, groups, and networks.


September Training and Events for the PPN

We have Environmental Days for the Environmental College member groups and  “How to 2” training for our elected Representatives and Secretariat in September.

We also have our third Festival of Fundraising, with Kevin Delaney of Academy Street Workshop, from Monday 25 September – Thursday 28 September.  This year Kevin will provide a mix of online, in person, daytime and evening events, covering such content as:  an introduction to fundraising, fundraising for migrant groups, fundraising planning for committees, and a social event on Thursday 28 September (with a cultural event and coffee and lunch!) 

The evening sessions take place from 7.00pm – 8.30pm and the one-to-one mentoring sessions with Kevin take place from 9.15am – 11.15am and 11.30am – 1.30pm  

Events and one-to-ones are FREE FOR PPN Members, but registration is essential, and registrations open on Wednesday 13 September.

We are also offering online training sessions with Carmichael and in partnership with Dun Laoghaire and Rathdown PPN.  Further information on these sessions to follow.

Updates from the Representatives and Secretariat

The Disability Thematic Group will meet on Monday 11 September, for their monthly meeting.  This meeting is being facilitated by consultant facilitator Adrienne Boyle.

The Migrant Thematic Group will meet for a planning meeting on Tuesday 12 September, which is also being facilitated by consultant facilitator Adrienne Boyle.

The Secretariat will meet in person on Tuesday 12 September, for their monthly meeting.

The Planning and Urban Form and the Housing linkage groups are slowly being formed and created with the help of consultant facilitator, Stephen Rourke.

Please email Ruth on if you would like further information about any of these meetings, training sessions or events.

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