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PPN Bulletin


Minister Joe O’Brien T.D. will be hosting a showcase event for the Community and Voluntary Sector on Climate Action on Tuesday 21 November, from 9.30am – 4.30pm, in the Hibernia Conference Centre in Dublin Castle.  Lunch will be provided, and you can register for this event here.

Dublin City Council invite PPN member groups to get involved in this year’s Inclusion and Integration Week from 6 – 12 November.  Please add your activities or events to the website here if you would like to be included in this year’s “Integration and Inclusion Week”.  Adding your event or activity to this site will promote the work to even more people living, working, and studying in Dublin City.  The PPN will have at least three original events on during the week, while many of our member groups are making exciting plans too! 

Dublin City PPN will try and attend as much as possible to support our member groups throughout the city!

The National Council for the Blind (NCBI) would like to invite PPN members to sign up to their Digital Courses here.

The National Disability Association (NDA) Conference will take place Thursday 26 October, in the Aviva Stadium.  The event is fully booked for in-person attendance, but you can still register to attend online and for free here

The National Economic and Social Council (NESC) is marking its 50th year with an event on Thursday 23 November, called “A Thriving Ireland:  Foundations and Actions.  You can find out more here.

The National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) invite you to their Family Learning Conference on 23 November at the Richmond Centre.  The full programme and FREE registration for this interesting event can be found here.

The Irish Platform for Patient Organisation, Science and Industry (IPPOSI) would like to invite PPN member groups to their public education programme on genomics (including presentations and participatory workshops).

PPN Training

This week’s online support training with Dun Laoghaire Rathdown PPN and Carmichael is the second session on WordPress:  this online session is from 12.00pm – 2.00pm and you can email Ruth for the zoom link and passcode.  Sean Fahey is delivering the training, and small groups are guaranteed.

PPN Updates from the Representatives and Secretariat

Dublin City PPN has been working with a number of consultant facilitators in 2023, to try and improve the quality of the PPN’s linkage and thematic groups.  Stephen Rourke has been working with the Planning and Urban Form Linkage Group, the Environmental Pillar Linkage Group, and the Housing Linkage Group.  Meetings for these groups are taking place on the following dates.

1. The second “Environmental Day” is taking place on Saturday 28 October, from 10 – 4.00pm at the F2 Centre.  Aoife Munn will deliver a morning session on Sustainable Living, and this will be followed by a workshop delivered by Stephen.

2. The next Planning and Urban Form linkage group meeting will take place on 29 November.  Stephen will facilitate another session to those interested in learning more about this particular linkage group.  Stephen would like to share this Position Paper ahead of this meeting, but you do not have to read it before you sign up to the meeting. 

3. The next Housing linkage group meeting will take place on 20 November, and again, Stephen has written a position paper, which you can access here.

Email Ruth on for further information about these meetings.

The next Plenary will be held on Thursday 30 November, from 6.30pm – 8.30pm in the Gresham Hotel.  Places are limited and registration will open soon.

Email Ruth on or Rachel on

Follow Dublin City PPN on Facebook and Twitter @dublincityppn

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PPN Bulletin

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