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PPN Bulletin


The latest edition of the Dublin City focussed Fundingpoint local digest is hereThis provides up-to-date detailed information and links to viable alternative sources of local, national and EU funding that local community groups can apply to.

The Central Statistics Office invite you to read their 2022 Spotlight Series:  Volunteering in Ireland.  This data is of interest to groups applying for funding/grants and/or writing reports and showing available information to contextualise their work.  You can read the spotlight series here.

The National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI), are hosting two events in Dublin and Cork as part of their “Democracy Festival” project, with EU partners, other NYC’s, and the European Youth Forum.  Further information for the events on 13 and 15 February here.

The Dublin Mountains Community Archaeology Project invite PPN members to a training workshop, online, on Tuesday 27 February at 7.00pm  The workshop will consist of a talk about the wide range of monuments and artefacts in the Dublin Mountains with a follow up discussion.  Registration here.

Community Gardens Ireland invite you to their 3rd Annual Online Gathering of Community Growers on 02 March, from 11.00am – 1.00pm  The theme for 2024 is “Food Education” and you can follow the full programme and register here.

PPN Secretariat Member, Stephen Doody, invites you to an event on Monday 19 February at 8.00pm in Clontart GAA Clubshouse, called, “Be Part of the Fight Against Climate Change”.  This climate xchange meeting will hear from local people working on climate mitigation, including Deirdre Nichol, Mary Tubridy, Stephen Doody, Tom Marren, John Sharry, Angela Ruttledge and Colleen Savage.  Email for further details.

The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) are running free drop-in sessions in local libraries where people can get advice on saving money by reducing energy bills or hearing how to get grants for energy upgrades.  The meeting for Dublin City is on 15 February, from 2.00pm – 5.00pm at Ballyfermot Library.

Age Friendly newsletters can be found here.


The PPN and Centre for Engaged Research (CER) from Dublin City University (DCU) will hold a third annual Summer School on the DCU campus and online from Monday 27 May until Friday 31 May.  Further details about the classes to come here.

The PPN May Plenary will once again be held in the Gresham on Thursday 23 May, and further updates about the programme will be uploaded here.

Updates from Representatives and Secretariat

The Migrant Thematic Group (MTG) met for the first time on Tuesday 06 February and agreed to do the following in 2024:  host an activity to celebrate UNESCO World Book Day on 23 April, participate in Dublin City Council’s Africa Day event on 19 May, and prepare at least one event for Inclusion and Integration Week in the autumn.  This will be done in partnership and collaboration with The Glencree Centre for Peace and Reconciliation, and with support from PPN member groups.  The Migrant Thematic Group has an area on the PPN website here.

You can read the Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) submission, made on behalf of the Dublin City PPN here.  We thank Consultant Facilitator Clare O’Connor, for working so closely with PPN member groups to develop a joint submission paper.

In 2024, all Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs) will be dissolved and re-convened, which means that all seats will become vacant.  If you are interested in finding out more about the Representative Roles, please contact Ruth and Rachel in January and February to discuss the vacancies, the PPN in general, and the challenges and opportunities of 2024.

Latest News

PPN Bulletin

PPN Bulletin Information The Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD), would like to share the Irish version of their 2023 Annual Report with PPN member groups here.  DRCD would …

PPN Bulletin

Information The closing date for the PPN’s training needs survey is Friday 14 February. Dublin City PPN invite all member groups to complete the training needs survey below.  The PPN …

PPN Bulletin

Information Dublin City PPN invite all member groups to complete the training needs survey below.  The PPN provides capacity building training to member groups, so that they might participate more …

PPN Bulletin

Information The Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD) would like to share the Public Participation Networks (PPN) annual report for 2023.  You can read through the report here.  Please …

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Information Staff from Dublin City Public Participation Network (PPN), were delighted to donate blood, yesterday, at one of the clinics of the Irish Blood Transfusion Service (IBTS).  If you can …

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Information Dublin City Council (DCC) are pleased to announce “Brigit:  Dublin City Celebrating Women” from 31 January – 03 February 2025.  There are more than 80 events taking place across …

Ha-PPN-y Christmas Bulletin

We would like to wish all our PPN member groups a very happy, safe and healthy Christmas holiday and new year. Once again, we thank everyone in the network for …