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PPN Bulletin


We would like to thank everyone who came to the Plenary on 25 May and to the summer school programme in DCU from 29 May – 02 June.  Further updates, photos, videos, summaries, recommendations and dates and times for the next Plenary coming soon!

Apologies these updates are not already for this week’s Bulletin, but coming soon

Carmichael invite you to enter the Good Governance Awards 2023.  The Good Governance Awards recognises and encourages adherence to good governance by non-profit organisations in Ireland.  The awards were developed by Carmichael with the support of partners and leading national bodies in the nonprofit sector and you can read more about it here.

Minister of State, Joe O’Brien announces the launch of the International Decade for People of African Descent Funding Call:  €150, 000 will be made available for projects to host events to celebrate the International Decade for People of African Descent, and grants of €5,000 will be allocated to successful organisations.  Further information here.

The Central Statistics Office produced its Census 2022 information, county press statements and other data updates and you can read more here.

Dublin City Council would like to invite to you a family fun day out, on Saturday 10 June at St Pat’s soccer grounds, Richmond Park, Inchicore.  The multi-cultural celebration will have information stands on community supports, and lots of fun activities for all the family.  Please spread the word.

Dublin City Council would like to invite you to visit their Community Grants and Funding page here.  Within this page is the Fundingpoint Local Digest, which provides up-to-date funding information nonprofits in the Dublin City area.  Funding sources reflect both local and national funding opportunities.  Read more here.

Dublin City Council’s Active Travel Programme Office is participating in a European project called FOLLOW, which aims to develop a route planner for citizens with reduced mobility in Europe.  You can find out more about this programme here.

Dodder Valley Greenway Project is part of the Dublin City Council core active travel network.  It is funded by the National Transport Authority (NTA), and will deliver high quality walking and cycling facilities along the Dodder River from the sea to the mountains through Dublin City Council and onwards through Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council and South Dublin County Council.  You can read more about the project here.

News from/about the PPN Representatives and Secretariat

The Disability Thematic Group invite you to read the minutes from their April meeting, which are now uploaded onto the website here.  The DTG also invite member groups involved in disability issues to come along to their next meeting, with guest speaker, Vivian Rath.  Vivian will be talking to the group about his experiences of the DTG in Wexford, from 4.00pm – 6.00pm on Monday 12 June.  Please email Ruth for the zoom invite, but please note that she won’t be able to send it to you until Monday.

The Traffic and Transport SPC meeting took place on 07 June and you can watch this meeting back on the Dublin City Public TV portal here.

Further information about the soon-to-be formed Planning and Urban Form Linkage Group, Housing Linkage Group and all PPN Environmental Pillar Linkage Group also…coming soon…

Next week’s Bulletin will be a supersized summer sizzler…don’t miss it!

PPN Communications

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Enjoy the PPN Member Spotlight Videos here

See the full list of PPN Member Groups here

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