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PPN Bulletin


This week we welcome our newest Representative, Diarmud mac Dubhglais, to his role as SPC Housing representative for the Social Inclusion pillar, on behalf of Member Organisation, Meeting Place Club.  Many thanks to all those member groups that took the time to vote in the online election, and please note there will be another email sent to those primary contacts about a correction in the details of the election.  Welcome Diarmud, we hope you enjoy your time with the PPN, and find your role interesting and rewarding!

You can watch the PPN reps at their committee meetings via the Dublin City Council webcasting service, which you can watch and listen to here.  Coming soon:  Finance SPC, Housing SPC and Arts, Culture, Leisure and Recreation SPC.

Please email Ruth on if you would like to come to the Plenary on 25 May, or any of the Summer School sessions at DCU.  You can find out about the Plenary here, and the Summer School here.

You are invited to celebrate Africa Day at the Royal Hospital Kilmainham, from 11.00am – 6.00pm on Sunday 21 May.  Africa Day is a family day to enjoy the very best of African talent and celebrate the growing links between Ireland and the wonderful continent of Africa.  All you need to know about the day is here.

The Department of Rural and Community Development are asking community and voluntary organisations to complete this survey here about Public Liability Insurance, so that the department has as much information as possible about the sector.

Our PPN colleagues in Sligo have a great toolkit called, the Sligo Environmental Action Academy Toolkit, which they are also delivering training on at 10.00am and 7.00pm on 31 May.  You can read the toolkit and find out more about the training sessions here.

Community Wetlands Forum invite you to a community lead peatland restoration day – exploring finance and governance models on 08 June, from 9.30 – 17.00 in Abbeyleix Manor Hotel, Abbeyleix.  You can sign up for this extraordinary day here.

Dublin City Council invite you to Pedalpalooza Bike Festival, on 21 May in Ringsend Park.  This is a family friendly event to celebrate and promote the benefits of cycling through a range of fun activities suitable for all ages and abilities.  You can find out more about Pedalpalooza here.

Dublin City Council would like PPN members to please note an additional meeting for a public consultation event in relation to the BAILE BOGÁIN (BALLYBOGGAN) LOCAL AREA PLAN. EXPERIENCE GLASNEVIN, at Glasnevin Cemetery on Thursday 25th May from 4.30 pm to 7.00 pm  Further information about these pre-submission information sessions here.

The Disability Federation of Ireland have joined the call being made for the government to publish the implementation plan of the new National Housing Strategy and take effective measures to provide housing for disabled people.  You can read the full press release here.

Updates from PPN Representatives and Secretariat

The Secretariat met on Tuesday 15 May for their monthly meeting and agreed the minutes from the previous meeting in April, which you can read here.

The Disability Thematic Group met on 08 May for their monthly meeting.

PPN Communications

You can see a full list of Dublin City PPN Representatives and Secretariat here

If you would like to watch the Representatives at their SPC meetings, you can watch them live, or from the archives here

The PPN’s FINAL 2023 workplan and budget is here.  Please contact Ruth if you would like to get involved in any of these activities.

Email Ruth on

Enjoy the PPN Member Spotlight Videos here

See the full list of PPN Member Groups here

Facebook and Twitter @dublincityppn

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