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PPN Bulletin – Super-sized-summer-sizzler-edition

We hope you’re enjoying the warm weather here in Dublin City.

Please enjoy this super-sized-summer-sizzler edition of the PPN Bulletin below, and please share it with the other people in your groups or organisations.

Let’s spread the information together.

This year’s first PPN Plenary on 25 May, in the gymnasium of Trinity Comprehensive School, Ballymun was a great success.  You can read the full update here.  Please get in touch with Ruth if your group or organisation would like to host the next PPN Plenary on Thursday 30 November 2023.

This year’s Summer School was also a great success, and likewise, you can read the full update here.

There is a new section of the Members Spotlight page where you can read case studies of PPN Representatives.  Many thanks to Eva McCarthy, who put this first case study together, while she was on a work placement with the PPN, as a part of her Master’s in Sustainable Development, with TU Dublin.  This first one is of Adekunle Gomez, and you can read the case study here.

The Disability Thematic Group met on 12 June for its monthly meeting and enjoyed a session with guest speaker, Dr Vivian Rath.  The group agreed their minutes from the May meeting, which you can read here.  Dr Vivian Rath is coming back to the group, for the second part of his presentation, on Monday 10 July, from 4.00pm – 6.00pm  Please email Ruth for the zoom link.

Calling all Environmental Groups:  we will be holding three environmental days in September, October, and November for the environmental groups in the Environmental Pillar.  In the morning there will be a sustainable gardening/living or wreath making workshop in Flanagan’s Field, with Aoife Munn.  And after a light, nutritious lunch, Stephen Rourke will facilitate a workshop on assisting the groups in the Environmental Pillar to engage more with the PPN.  Dates to be confirmed.

The Planning and Urban Form linkage group will meet online, on the 20 July from 7.00pm – 8.30pm Stephen Rourke will facilitate a session for the group, who last met for sessions with former Mayor, Andrew Montague on the Dublin City Development Plan.  Stephen will work with the group, and the two Representatives until the end of the year.

The Last Thursday of the Month Members Meet-Up is being replaced in June, by a Summer Solstice invitation from Sandra Dillon of the Meeting Place Club on 21 June.  This event celebrates nature and wellness for children, teenagers and families living under the umbrella of disability, in the Finglas Scout’s Hall from 10.00am – 1.00pm  Please contact Sandra for further details.

Ernest Beggs of the PPN Secretariat would like to inform members that there is a screening of the Friends of the Elderly PPN film, at the Friends of the Elderly shop on Bolton Street on 21 June at 3.00pm You can also watch it online here.  In addition, he would like to highlight the work that the organisation DEBRA Ireland are doing here.

The Joint Oireachtas Committee wants to hear about climate actions #publicparticipationnetworks are involved in now, and in the future.   Please complete the survey with your groups’ actions & if you are available for a workshop, in Dublin on 01 July.  You can access the survey here.

The Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD), would like to share a presentation with PPN member groups on the recently launched resource, “A Guide for Inclusive Community Engagement in Local Planning and Decision Making”.  You can access this presentation on our website here.

Information from the wider network

PPN Member Group, Dublin City Interfaith Forum invite you to mark World Refugee Day on 20 June, at 1.00pm at the Famine Statue.  All member groups welcome.

Dublin City Council is proposing to provide improved walking and cycling facilities from Gracefield Road to Vernon Avenue.  You can read more about this overview and how to complete the online survey here.

The Abbey Theatre welcomes the Lesya Ukrainka National Theatre’s production of one of the greatest Irish plays on the themes of national identity, language, landscape and history:  Brian Friel’s Translations.  Further information here.

Social Justice Ireland invite you to “Adam Smith at 300:  insights on the 21st century economy from the father of economics” on 21 June, at The Royal Irish Academy and you can register for the event here.

You can read the latest Age Friendly Ireland newsletter here

Meanwhile, FEASTA, a Member Group of Clare PPN are looking for respondents for a focus group discussion on 13 and 20 June.  Further details of the Real Deal model is here, and please email Ruth if you would like to connect with the organisers.

NearFM invite you to a workshop called, “Get your message across: interactive and practical media skills training for radio interview” on either 29 or 30 June from 10.00am – 1.00pm at the Near Media Co-Op in Coolock.  Further information about the workshop here.

Email Ruth on

Facebook and Twitter @dublincityppn

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