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Ha-PPN-y Christmas Bulletin

We would like to wish all our PPN member groups a very happy, safe and healthy Christmas holiday and new year.

Once again, we thank everyone in the network for their time, commitment, expertise and thoughtful suggestions, all throughout 2024.  We thank all the PPN representatives, who sit on Dublin City Council committees:  those who stepped down in June 2024, and all those who stepped up in September 2024.  We thank our host, Dublin City Volunteer Centre (DCVC) and our donors, Dublin City Council (DCC) and the Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD).  We also thank our wonderful Secretariat, who steer the network with such wisdom and careful thought.

We look forward to moving into 2025 together!

And so, one last Bulletin for 2024…


The Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD) would like to share a snapshot of the year, for 2023, with PPNs across the country.  You can access the snapshot here.  The full annual report for 2023, is currently in the design and translation stage and will be published as soon as possible in the coming weeks and refers to all 31 PPNs across the country. 

The 2025 Dublin Northwest Partnership (DNP) Social Inclusion Seminar, will take place in the Crown Plaza Hotel, Northwood, Santry, Dublin 9 on Friday 07 February from 9.00am – 1.00pm, followed by lunch.   The event will celebrate the work being done within local areas and provide information about the 2025 DNP community grants.  Registration is here.

Dublin City University’s (DCU) Centre for Climate and Society invite you to sign up to their newsletter, on their website here.  The Centre shares information about its research, its MSc in climate change, its upcoming (and past) events and “Code Red”, which is a climate change podcast, from the centre for climate and society.

The Irish Blood Transfusion Service (IBTS) are asking Dublin residents to please consider giving blood over the Christmas holidays.  The IBTS say, “we really need your help to keep hospitals supplied with life-saving blood this holiday season.  Please book in to attend our D’Olier Street and Stillorgan clinics this Christmas and New Year and give the gift of life!”  Further information here.

Training and Events

PPN reps enjoyed a “New Reps Training”, with Ellenora Lynch, at Wynn’s hotel on 29 November, which was followed by lunch and a site visit to a community garden in Cherry Orchard.  Many thanks again to Kelley Bermingham for driving us to the site visit in the St Patrick’s Cathedral mini-bus!  You can read an update of the training and access Ellenora’s slides here.

You are invited to the PPN Stakeholder training with Social Justice Ireland.  This online, self-paced training covers an introduction to the PPNs, local government budgets, PPNs and local government, effective participation in consultations, effective facilitation, strategic planning and measuring outcomes and impacts. You can sign up to this FREE training and support resource here.

Our host, Dublin City Volunteer Centre (DCVC) have two vacancies, for paid positions that they would like you to share with your groups and organisations.

Community Volunteers Administrator and Team Lead

Volunteer Engagement and Inclusion Officer

The Access and Outreach department of Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin) would like to share information with PPN member groups, called “Pathways to University”, which identify the routes to higher education, that are available to people, with links to information about financial support, entry routes and international qualifications.  You can find out more here.

Updates from the Secretariat and Representatives

The Secretariat of Dublin City PPN will meet for their monthly meetings on the second Tuesday of every month, beginning in January 2025 up to December 2025.  Your can access the list of Secretariat members, PPN Representatives and thematic group members here.

The staff of the PPN will be back online on 07 January 2025, and we look forward to working together, to improve the quality of life, for those people who live, work, study and visit Dublin City.

Please feel free to share this PPN promotional video on your social media, which you can access here.

Please follow Dublin City PPN on Facebook and X @dublincityppn

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